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Winnie and Skyler managed to squeeze through in front of Jackson, Stiles, and Scott. Skyler was starting to panic. There was an EMT and she saw a mutilated man. She couldn't help but wonder if she and Scott were responsible. Winnie watched as he started screaming and turned away. She brushed past between Jackson and Stiles feeling claustrophobic. "It's ok," Isaac said seeing her reaction. He was staying on the outside of the kids to avoid a similar reaction. It was starting to be too much for her. Stiles was worried about her but Scott was drifting a lot farther from the group than she had. He walked over to console his friend, "It's okay. It's okay. He got up, he's not dead," Stiles pointed out. Skyler was the only one who didn't jump and was in turn knocked back. Jackson caught her and asked if she was okay. "I-I'm fine," she lied and took a step forwards. "Stiles," she heard Scott say, "We did that."

Winnie went with Isaac to their next class and Skyler went with Scott and Stiles to lunch. She was relieved to finally know someone in this period. She sat next to Stiles knowing Allison usually came a bit late and sat with Scott. "Something happened last night and we can't remember what," Scott said sitting down. "What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers," Stiles asked. He knew if the two of them went to Derek something bad would happen. He also knew that Derek would say he told Winnie and himself what Skyler was a few days ago and then she'd probably wonder why they never told her. "Because," Scott insisted, During the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control." "So was Sky," Stiles pointed out. "I just didn't have any triggers. I have no idea what I'm doing either," Skyler admitted. "Meanwhile during the not full moon we were running around in the middle of the woods attacking some random guy," Scott pointed out. "You don't know that," Stiles defended. "We don't not know it," Skyler added. "I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel," Scott said. "You're not cancelling okay," Stiles said getting frustrated that he didn't have Winnie to back him up for once, " You can't cancel your life. We'll figure it out."

Skyler looked up at Danny confused as the lacrosse team and Lydia walked over. His eyes read I'm so sorry I'm being forced. He sat to the right of the brunette leaving Stiles to the left and blocked in by the other players. Scott was across from Sky and Jackson sat across from Danny as Allison came to sit across from Stiles so she could be next to Scott. "Why does Danny get to sit there," asked a lacrosse player that was planning to hit on both Skyler and Lydia. "Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot," Danny said. Scott and Stiles said something to each other and looked back to Skyler who was just as confused. "Who are you," Lydia asked Sky. "This is Skyler," Danny introduced. "She's friends with you," Lydia asked. "Yup," Danny replied. "Why have you never introduced us. I love the top super retro and cute," Lydia complimented. "Thanks. It was my mom's," Sky said uncomfortable with how nice Lydia was being. "I'm Lydia," she introduced. "I know, you're kind of hard to miss. You practically run the school," Skyler pointed out. Lydia flipped her hair proudly. "Glad my work doesn't go unnoticed," she said.

Danny asked about the bus to try and clear the air. "I hear they're saying it was an animal attack. A mountain lion," Danny stated. "A cougar," Jackson said. Skyler looked to the frantic Stiles and Scott and wanted nothing more than her old arrangement of sitting alone and working on her art commissions. "A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia corrected and played dumb, "isn't it?" Sky looked over. She's crazy smart. She's been chem partners with her before. Why is she playing dumb? "Who cares," Jackson asked. That's why. Jackson said it was most likely homeless drug addict. "That doesn't make his life any less important," Sky spoke up. Stiles cut in before she could start a fight, "Actually I just found out who he is." They all crowded around Stiles's phone. It wasn't making Sky feel any better as they put a face and name to the victim. It made the damage she and Scott had done even more real. Scott revealed that he knew the guy. He drove the bus that Scott used when he lived with his dad.

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