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Stiles was joining them in detention for an outburst in his history class. Winnie sat in the desk in front of them working on her home work as Scott and Stiles sat next to each other. Scott pointed out how he had work and Harris just ignored him. "Knew I would heal," Scott asked. "Yup," Stiles replied. Winnie was trying to focus on the worksheet before her. The boys reconciled and Harris let them go. Secretly he cared for them. "Thank you," Scott said. 

Skyler felt like shit. She knows her friend expected her to take her side, but she also knew 70% of the school would also take her side. Jackson doesn't have that kind of support. She also knew the rage would die down. It always does. "Sky, I can't help you if you don't focus," Isaac said pulling his sleeve down further. "I'm sorry," she apologized for the millionth time. Isaac sighed and looked to her. "Talk to me," he said. She looked over to him and he pleaded, "Come on just say it all," he pressed. She voiced her earlier thoughts and Isaac nodded before asking, "Does she know that?" "No of course not, She checks out as soon as his name is mentioned," Sky pointed out. "Soooo, mention his name last. Just talk to her. She didn't mean what she said. She was just pissed," he consoled. She nodded quietly. 

He grabbed his water and she saw the bruise around his wrist. "Isaac," she said worried and grabbed his hand. He was trying to diffuse her worry and cover it back up, but it was too late. He glanced away unable to meet her eyes. "What the dick is this," she asked. "It's nothing," he lied. "Isaac, you know I know when you lie," she pressed. He tried to pull his hand away but she continued to hold it. "I just spilled my guts to you, your turn," she pressed. "I'm supposed to be helping you study," he countered. "There's no way in hell I could focus after seeing you got hurt," she worried.  He looked away and explained, "My dad-." She felt her heart break as he told her what his father does to him. It made sense now why he was never allowed out. "I'm going to kill him," she growled. "Please, Skyler, I'm begging you. Don't. Don't do anything," he pleaded. 

"I can't let him beat the shit out of you," she pressed. "Please just let me figure it out right now. You can't tell Winnie," he begged, "Skyler, please." She sighed and had no idea that to do. She caved nodding, "You have until spring, or I'm ripping you out of there myself," she said sternly. "Deal," he replied. She hugged him as he got a text his ride was there. "Thank you," he mumbled into her hair. "I'll see you tomorrow," she worried. He nodded and she went home. She was playing sims to take her mind off of everything. Her phone went off and she groaned answering, "What," she asked getting ready for bed. She had her joggers and tank top already on. "Get in the car," Stiles said. "God damn," she cursed. "We need you Sky," he said. She sighed in defeat, "Give me five minutes.

She climbed in back and Scott got back into the full jeep as they drove to the school. Stiles reiterated that this was terrible idea and that they were somehow still going through with it. "Can you think of something better," Scott snapped. "Well personally I'm a big fan of just ignoring the problem until eventually it just goes away," Stiles stated. "Yes," Winnie piped up pointing to him. "Just make sure we can get inside," Scott delegated. Derek pulled up and Scott's boss was hogtied in the back seat. They walked inside and the girls were quiet and confused. Both cracked up laughing at Scott's weak ass howl. Scott looked distressed asking if it was ok and Stiles shared it was only a howl on technicality. "What did it sound like to you," Scott asked. "Like a cat being strangled," Stiles explained. "Try again," Sky said. Stiles prep talked him and the girls watched amused. 

They all exchanged a glance as he howled again. It was practically a seismic tremor. They walked out and Derek said how he'd kill them all. "Don't look at us," Winnie said. "You're just as responsible, and you, don't be such a sourwolf," Stiles interjected. They realized Deaton was gone. They froze and watched as the alpha ripped up Derek. "Winnie," Skyler shouted and shoved her to Stiles shifting. She roared and shoved the alpha back after it slashed her well enough to cut through the armor. Without the armored scales she'd have been dead at the moment. They ran inside and barricaded the door. "What the hell were you thinking," Winnie worried almost in tears. "I heal, you don't," Sky said simply. "Skyler it could have killed you," Scott argued. "It definitely would have killed Winnie if it managed to cut through armored scales," Sky defended. "What the hell do we do," Stiles asked. Skyler was starting to feel the pain of the cut and realized it wasn't healing like the rest of the wounds she had while being a shape shifter. "Maybe- maybe the rules are different with the alpha. You know like you respond differently to it," Winnie said shakily. 

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