Conflict of Interest

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Winnie was texting Jackson to record himself tonight so they could analyze it tomorrow as they got to lacrosse. Skyler was lost in thought. She missed Isaac. After watching Gerard declare war by cutting an omega in half and throwing away the code she found it hard to breathe. Having her friend not talk to her was killing her. "Sky," Winnie said. She looked to see a cop car as they wrapped up practice and ran to the boys' field as Skyler saw sheriff from a distance. He was taking Isaac. "What the hell happened," Skyler demanded. "His dad was found murdered. That's not the worst part," Stiles said. "Why didn't you tell us he's a werewolf," Scott snapped. "Because he isn't," Winnie defended. "That means it's his first full moon," Scott said. "And he's in a holding cell," Stiles muttered. "Would an I told you so be inappropriate," Winnie asked and they turned to see Skyler had stormed off. "The hell is up with her," Scott asked. "The thing she feared most happened," Stiles said. Winnie ran after her and the locker room was empty.

She looked petrified as Skyler repeatedly punched a locker and destroyed it. "I'm gonna kill him. We're gonna stop him and save him and I'm going to kill him," she snapped. "Skyler you're kind of scaring me," Winnie said. "First my aunt get's laid off," she started and listed all the new issues. "You're aunt got laid off? Why didn't you tell me," Winnie asked. "To not worry you," Sky admitted. "You didn't want me to offer you financial help," Winnie pointed out. "Maybe," her friend admitted. "It's going to be okay. She's going to get her job back and we will fix everything else," she said hugging her. Skyler calmed down and they got changed walking into the school. Lydia grabbed Winnie's arm. Winnie turned confused. "Thank you," she said. Winnie raised an eyebrow. "They said you lured the mountain lion away and for the coat last night," Lydia said. "Oh! Yeah, I mean don't worry about it. It's no big deal," she said.

They made it to chem. Stiles and Scott kept talking. Skyler was twitching and saw Stiles throw a paper ball. "Why are you pissed," Danny asked. "Isaac was lying to me and then we found out he was taken by the police," Skyler said. "It almost sounds like you care more than a general friend would," Danny teased. "Not the time," she hissed. Winnie's knee kept bouncing. If Sky kept getting pissed she risked turning. She couldn't take her without Scott.

Winnie went back to Jackson's after school and went over her reasoning for the camera. "Because even if you don't turn we can find clues as to why," she said as he bitched. "And if I do turn," Jackson asked. "Then congrats Derek was wrong," she replied. If you just want to check me out you could say so," he joked. "Oh piss off," she replied rolling her eyes. "Hey Winnie," Jackson said. "Yeah," she asked. "Be careful tonight," he said. "Noted," she replied. He walked out to get the camera and she set it up for him before being picked up by Stiles.

Winnie sat behind him and Derek as they pulled into the Sheriff's station. "Only problem is we need to get past the front desk," Stiles explained. "I'll distract her," Derek said. "Woah woah woah," Stiles said pulling him back in. "Distract her," Winnie asked curiously. He looked between the two and answered the look Stiles gave him first, "I was exonerated." "Still a person of interest," Winnie piped up. "An innocent person," Derek said. "inno- You? Yeah! Right... Okay fine what's your plan," Stiles asked. "Yeah, watcha gonna do," Winnie asked. Derek glared at them. "To distract her," Derek said. "How, you gonna punch her in the face," Stiles asked. "By talking to her," Derek said. "Aww sourwolf is gonna get his flirt on how cute," Winnie said. Stiles started instigating. "Winnie is the front desk what do you say," Stiles asked. "Woo me," Winnie said trying not to laugh. Derek smirked at Stiles's reaction. After they finished their banter Derek whispered, "You like her." He left and Winnie had finally climbed out asking the shell shocked Stiles, "Everything okay?" "Yeah," he lied.

Skyler got a call from Allison and went to the animal clinic. She heard growling and rushed inside. The fire alarm was going off and she walked in to see Isaac wolfed out and turn to Winnie and Stiles. She ran in front of them and grabbed his shoulders. "Isaac," she said. He started to try and fight back and Derek growled. She watch Isaac scramble back and cower shifting back. She felt horrible, but her anger was too bottled not to explode. She left with Derek and Isaac and on the way back snapped. "I'm going TO KILL YOU," she yelled at him as Derek walked out. "What the hell were you thinking," she demanded, "Did you not listen to anything I told you the other day? Or did you just not care? Isaac you could have been killed!" "I'm sorry," he apologized. "Sorry," she scoffed, "I need to go." "Skyler," he pleaded and grabbed her hand. She pulled her hand away. "Don't touch me," she said sadly. "Sky," he started. "If you get hurt that's on me! I never should have told you," she said and left.

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