Custody Battle

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"I have to take this," Winnie said. Skyler glanced over to see her walk off. "Where are you," George asked. "My friend is sick I'm with her," Winnie said, "Why?" "Can you come home," he asked. "What's wrong," she asked. "Winnie we need to seriously sit down and talk. The court deemed me unfit we need to discuss your options," he said sounding hoarse. She knew he had been crying. "Ok, I'll head over in like five minutes if that's okay," she said quietly. "Okay," he replied. She just started out and Derek stopped her. "Where are you going," he asked. "Home. Some of us have lives outside of the supernatural," she replied and walked out.

"Oh what the hell is this," Sheriff asked his son. He had gone to hangout with his dad being Scott and Sky were stalking the kanima and Winnie vanished. "Veggie burger," Stiles said. "I almost prefer you wreaking havoc with Winnie at least she gets me real food," the sheriff said. "Yeah well she vanished on me today you're stuck with your actual son eating food to help you live longer," Stiles countered. "She didn't tell you," Stillinski asked. "Tell me what," Stiles asked. "Her brother lost the custody battle they have 30 days to have another family member file a case for her or she's going into state care," the sheriff asked. Stiles sunk in his seat. They sat in silence. "Well you going to tell me about what you found," Stiles asked. "Wha- Not. That's confidential," the sheriff replied. Stiles zoned out for the second half of the sentence as he noticed the board. "Is that it on the board right behind you," he asked his father who turned around.

"Don't look at that," Noah scolded his son. "K," Stiles said looking around the board. "Avert your eyes," Sheriff added. "Okay," Stiles said still contradicting his responses. "I see arrows, pointing to pictures," Stiles said. "Sto- ok ok fine. I found something," the sheriff said. Stiles had to restrain his excitement. "All three," he asked. "You know what I always say. One's an instant, two's coincidence," he recited. "Three's a pattern," Stiles finished. "The mechanic, the husband the wife all the same age, all 24," he shared. "But Lahey, Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near 24," Stiles pointed. "Which made me think his death wasn't connected or the age is a coincidence until I found this," he said handing his son a yearbook. They put together that Isaac had an older brother who died in combat but would be 24 today. "Sky is close to Isaac I can text her see if she knows anything or can ask. You know same age maybe same class," Stiles proposed. "I would have. Look I just got Lahey's file two hours ago," he defended. "Two hours? Dad people could be dying," Stiles snapped. "I'm aware of that thank you," the sheriff replied. They started to tear through year books and Stiles found they all went to Beacon Hills as a part of the class of 2006. "Same teacher," sherif said. "Harris," Stiles asked.

Winnie sat tapping her leg. "I have a favor I could call in," she said. "What do you mean," George asked. "I saved someone's life and told her what was going on and she genuinely meant she'd take me in if the worst happened. This is definitely the worst." "Who," George asked. "Lydia Martin," she said. George just sighed out sinking into his chair. "If this is what you want then okay, but you have to talk to aunt Jo and the Martins," he replied. He was just tired. "Ok," she said. The quiet resumed and she watched George leave. She called Lydia taking a deep breath. "Hello," Lydia asked. "Hey... It's Winnie. I wouldn't be asking this if I didn't have to, but you're my last hope of staying in Beacon Hills," Winnie said. Lydia switched into professional mode, "I'm picking you up in 30 minutes we'll go together to pick my mom up from work and discuss it over dinner at Cheesecake factory. I'll be damned if I let Beacon Hills lose Winnie Wizinski."

Skyler had sat in the back seat with Isaac after watching Jackson freak out the ticket sales woman in a fugue state. She had filled him in before Scott filled in Derek and rolled her eyes as they continued bickering. Derek was just as annoyed. "Does he really have to be here," Scott asked as they walked into the animal clinic. "I trust him," Derek said. "I don't trust him," Scott said. "He doesn't care," Isaac replied in third person. "Can you two stop bickering like an old married couple for more than five minutes," Skyler snapped. Both boys looked away like a guilty dog with its tail between its legs. "Deaton we need your help," Skyler said as the vet walked out. "That depends. Do you plan to kill him or save him," the vet asked. "Kill him," Derek said. "Save him," Skyler and Scott growled. "Save him," Scott reiterated.

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