6 months later

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Jordan and I got a divorce. It took this long to go through. Jordan just got out of rehab actually. I'm waiting for him to come to the apartment so we can talk. I'm not alone of course. I will never be able to be alone with him. Brody is here with me. Probably not the best person to have here but he's the only one I feel safe with to be around Jordan.

I've went to therapy for what happened that night. It helped me come to terms with my feelings. I was angry at first. I really wanted to hurt Jordan. Then I don't know what happened but I accepted it. I realize that he was messed up and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think it could've happened to anyone. I'm almost glad it was me and not someone else. I somehow got him to stop. Granted, it was too late and the damage was already done.

Whatever Jordan had put in me first, he said his hand, had done some serious damage. I had a bit of vaginal tearing and that's where the blood came from. I had some surgery and some stitches.

"Emma?" Brody asks.

"What?" I answer as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay darling?" he asks with a smile.

"Yeah. I'm just nervous." I tell him.

He wraps an arm around me and I move closer to him.

"Don't be nervous. I'm right here." He says as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I've got a doctors appointment next week." I tell him.

"Well how are you feeling?"

"Tired. But I feel better."

"Well it has been 6 months." he says with a laugh.

"6 very long months." I say with a chuckle.

"I love you Em. More than I could ever explain." Brody says before he kisses my head gently.

I hear the doorbell ring and I stand up to get it. I see Jordan standing in the doorway. He looks like the Jordan that I knew. The one I remember from when I was 17. My first love.

"Hey Emma." Jordan says with a small smile.

"Hi Jordan. Come in." I say as I open the door wider for him.

He enters and sits his stuff on the ground beside the door. I give him a small smile and he tries for a hug.

"Please don't touch me Jordan. I'm still not okay with you. I'm sorry." I say softly as I shut the door and cross my arms.

"I know. I just kinda hoped." He says with a half smile.

Jordan walks to the living room and I hear the groan before I walk into the room.

"Really Emma? Brody?" he says as he sits down on the love-seat.

"Be quite Jordan. I don't want to be alone with you anymore. Considering how no one else is big enough to hold you off if something was to happen." I say as I sit down beside Brody.

"Fine. Let's just talk and figure out what were gonna do." Jordan says grumpily.

"The apartment is yours if you want it. I'm moving out." I say confidently.

"Why? And where are you going to stay?" Jordan asks with shock.

"I've offered her a room at my house." Brody says to him.

"And your saying with him? He's the reason our marriage failed Emma." Jordan spits.

"He's the only person I feel safe with Jordan. And no, he's not the reason out marriage failed. You were. I wasn't going to divorce you. But you pulled all that shit and now I can't stand being in the same room as you." I tell him as the anger bubbles up.

"Bullshit! You were cheating on me. That's why we never had sex or acted like a couple." He says as he stands up.

"Listen here Jordan. You can't stay in the apartment because I don't feel comfortable with you being so close to Emma." Brody says as he stands up and meets Jordan.

"Is that what you want Emmie?" Jordan asks with sad eyes.

"Go back home Jordan. I don't even want to be near you right now." I say as I stand up and pull Brody to me.

"Sorry Em. I didn't mean to lose my temper." Brody says soft.

"Can I have a minute alone with Jordan? Just wait in the bedroom." I say with a smile and peck his cheek.

He walks out and I turn to Jordan.

"Why do you want to talk to me alone Emma?" Jordan asks.

"Just listen to me. You were my first love Jordan. I'll always love you. I just can't be with you. I will never trust you in any aspect. But I do love you and care about you. But go home to your family and let me be. Jordan let me be okay again." I say as the tears pool in my eyes.

"Don't cry Emmie. I'll leave just don't cry. It'll break my heart even more." Jordan says softly.

Without thinking, I hug Jordan awkwardly. I pull his face down closer and I do something that we use to do when we were young and in love.

I kiss his chin and he kisses my nose softly.

"I'll miss you Em." Jordan says before moving away and walking to the door.

He picks his bag up and I smile at him.

"Be careful Jordan." I say with a wave as he walks out the door.

I regain my composure and walk to the bedroom.

"Are you okay Emma?" Brody asks.

"Yeah. I feel peaceful now." I say with a smile.

"Good. I feel better now myself." He says as he stands from the bed.

"And whys that?" I ask with a smile.

"Because you can breathe easily." He says as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh Brody. I don't know why I didn't see it then but your the one. You've always been the one." I say softly.

"I've known you were the one since I first saw you." Brody says into my ear.

I pull away and grab my bags that I had packed earlier.

"Let's go home." I say with a smile.

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