So, Brody..?

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Jordan sits down in front of me. He grabs my hand and smiles.

"Jordan before anything. I need to tell you something." I say slowly. God this hurts.

"You can tell me anything Emmie." He says with a smile.

"Just remember that I thought you were dead for 2 years. Please remember that." I say as I grab his hand with both of mine.

"I understand Emmie." He says as he wraps his other hand over one of mine.

"I didn't go sex crazy. I didn't really date. I didn't do anything crazy." I say slowly.

"Okay. Then what do you have to tell me." He says.

"I've been with one guy since you've been... gone." I say as I look down.

Jordans silent for a moment. I swear my heart is going to beat out of my cheat.

"Please say something Jordan." I beg.

"I'm not mad Emmie. I'm just hurt." He says finally.

"I'm really sorry baby. You know I would've waited if I knew you were alive. You knew that." I say as I move closer to him.

"I know you would've. I'm hurt with myself. I should've just turned down that trip." He says slowly.

"Jordan, please don't. Please don't blame yourself. You were doing what you knew was right. We both knew the possibilities of this job."

"I only did it so I knew we would be set for the baby."

The tears form in my eyes again and I fight them.

"I know Jordan. But you're home now." I say slowly.

"I'm home Emmie. But I'm giving you a choice right now. You can choose to stay with me or you can walk away and I'll leave everything behind. I was gone and now you have a life without me. It wouldn't be fair to force you into something you didn't want." He says.

"Let me go talk to Brody, Jordan. He deserves to know." I say slowly.

"So his name is Brody?" Jordan asks.

"Yeah. You can come with me if you'd like. I already have my answer. I think everyone knows what my answer is." I say slowly as I stand up.

Jordan stands up with me and I look up at his face. God, have I missed him.

"Can I know what your choice is Emmie? So I know whether or not I need to stay here." He says slowly without touching me.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his chin and he kisses my nose.

"It's always been you Jordan. It'll always be you." I say softly.

Jordan leans down further and kisses my lips hard. He pulls back slowly and smiles.

We walk to the door and he opens it for me. We say goodbye to Perry and Lacy. Perry tells me to call her anytime and I get her personal number.

Instead of calling Brody to come get us, Jordan decides to walk to him. I walk with him of course.

"So... Brody?" Jordan asks me.

"What about him?" I ask back.

"How long ago did y'all meet?" he asks.

"2 years ago was the first time. He took care of me while I was still grieving. He's my best friends brother. This was the first time I've seen him in 2 years though." I tell him.

"And what all did you do?" he asks.

"Jordan please don't put yourself through this. I feel bad enough as it is." I say softly.

"I need to know Emma. I have to know. There must've been something special about this guy if he was the only person my wife decided to be with." He says. I know he's getting angry.

"Jordan we had sex. Don't be angry with me or him. You said that you understood that i thought you were dead. He even thought you were dead. I feel awful about it but technically we did nothing wrong." I tell him as I stop walking.

"Emmie it's more than that to me! Your the only person for me and I know that and so does everyone else including you. Brody is a threat to me because he was there when I wasn't. He was there when you needed me. And I wasn't there Emmalynn!" Jordan says loudly.

"You didn't choose to walk away and pretend to be dead!" I tell him loudly.

Jordan starts walking away and I catch up with him shortly and grab his arm.

"I'm sorry Jordan. I really am." I say softly.

He pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around him tightly.

"I'm sorry Em. You know how I get sometimes." He says softly.

"Come on. Brody needs to be told what's going on. It's not fair to him for me to do this to him." I say slowly as I pull away and we walk into Mcdonalds.

I see Brody sitting in a booth by himself. I walk over and sit down slowly as Jordan stands by the door. I turn around and motion for him to come. He walks over and sits down quietly.

"Brody this is Jordan. Jordan this is Brody." I say.

"It's nice to meet you." Brody says as he holds his hand out for Jordan to take.

I see Brody's eyes flicker to my hand. I slowly slide it under the table.

"Brody, this isn't easy for me. Jordan gave me a choice between him and my freedom. I chose him. I'm really sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." I say softy to Brody.

"I understand Emma. Remember what I said to you about him being your first love?" Brody asks.

"Yeah." I say as I remember him quoting the vampire diaries.

'He was your first love and I intend to be your last.'

"That still stands." He says slowly before standing up.

"We can take you to the airport and get you a ticket home?" I offer.

"I'll take a taxi and get it myself. Thank you though Emma." Brody says slowly before walking out the door.

I watch Brody get a taxi and drive away before Jordan and I leave. Jordan drives us to a motel and I savor that I got him back.

I got my second chance.

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