I Love You Emmie.

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We land back in New Mexico in what feels like no time. We grab our bags and head to my car. We put our stuff in the back and get in. I pull my phone out and dial the ladies number back.

"This is Perry." She says.

"Hello this is Mrs. Brown. We just landed in New Mexico. Is it okay if we head over?" I ask nervously.

"Yes ma'am. That's fine." She says.

"Well be there in about an hour." I say softly.

"Okay ma'am." She says before we hang up.

I drive to the office since Brody doesn't know where it's at. He tries to talk to me about what I think is going on but I can't allow myself to think about it now.

When we pull in I mentally prepare myself for whatever they throw at me. I know deep down I can take it. I survived my husband's death. I can do this.

"Brody I need to do this alone. This is about my husband. Go to the McDonald's down the road and I'll call you when were done." I say softly.

Brody gives me a small smile and kisses me gently before we get out. I walk to the door and he walks to the drivers side. I watch him get in and drive away before I walk inside.

I'm greeted by a pretty blonde. She smiles at me and it slowly fades as she takes in my appearance.

"Can I help you miss? I think you may have the wrong place." She says softly.

"This is the right place. I'm here for a meeting with Perry." I say.

The attendants eyes get wide and she picks up the phone and tells someone that I'm here. She hangs up and gets up slowly.

"I'll take you to Perry." She says sadly.

"Thank you." I say confused.

We walk down the long hall to the room at the end. She opens the door for me and I walk in to see a woman sitting in a chair looking very frustrated.

"Perry Mrs. Brown is here to see you." The blonde woman says.

Perry looks up and gives me a small smile.

"Thank you Lacy. Come in Mrs. Brown." She says as she stands up.

I walk in and Lacy shuts the door behind me. I walk to Perry's desk slowly.

"Please sit down. We have much to discuss." Perry says.

I sit down and Perry gives me a sad look before looking down at the paperwork on her desk.

"You were married to Jordan Brown correct?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am." I say.

"Then you know about the explosion then." She says sadly.

"Yes ma'am. Jordan was killed in that explosion." I answer.

"That's what we need to talk to you about Mrs. Brown." She says hard.

"Please call me Emma." I say with a small smile.

"Okay Emma. I'm sorry to tell you but there was a mistake." She says slowly.

"You told me that over the phone. What kind of mistake?" I ask.

"We thought everyone was killed in the explosion Emma. We didn't realize that they took captives too." She says slowly as I grow more confused.

"I don't understand what this has to do with Jordan and me." I tell her.

"Jordan was taken captive." Perry says fast.

"What?" I say as my heart hits the ground.

"Jordan didn't die in the explosion. Whoever bombed the building, took him. There was a second accident later and Jordan was injured. Someone found him and took him to the hospital. He's been in a coma for almost 2 years. He woke up last week in the hospital and was rambling on about going home and seeing his wife. The doctors didn't understand what was going on until one of our soldiers saw him. The other soldier reported to his superior and Jordan was sent home. However, when he got to the last home he knew of, his wife was gone, all of their belongings were gone, and a new family was living in the house." Perry says.

I start hyperventilating and Perry runs to my side.

"Emma come on. Stay with me. Breathe." She commands.

I take deep breaths and try to relax. When I catch my breath, Perry grabs my hand softly.

"Jordan's here. In the room next to this one. I'll take him to you if you'd like." She says softly. I nod and stand up slowly.

Perry helps me fix my makeup and hair. Then we walk slowly to the room. She knocks and I hear the familiar voice I've missed for so long.

"Come in." He says rough.

"Are you ready?" perry asks me softly.

"Yes ma'am." I mumble.

She opens the door slowly and my eyes fill with tears. He's sitting in a chair facing away from us. He's looking out the window and my heart yearns for him.

"You have a visitor Brown." Perry says.

Jordan turns around slowly and my calm exterior breaks. I run to him and he greets me with open arms. I feel his tears wet my shoulders as mine soak his shirt.

"I'll give you two some privacy." I hear Perry say before the door closes.

Jordan hugs me for a long time and I think back to the old days.

"I love you Emmie. I'm never leaving again. God, I love you." He says as he pulls away.

I bring his face to mine and kiss him softly. The familiar sparks blaze and I smile as he grips me tighter.

"I love you Jordan. I love you." I whisper as I pull away.

"My sweet Emmie. Come on sit down. Let's talk." Jordan says softly.

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