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"Emma wake up." I hear Abi say as she shakes me gently.

"What Abs?" I mumble as I struggle to wake up.

"I got called into work. I need you to pick Brody up at the airport in 2 hours." She says as I roll off the couch. I stretch and rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Okay Abi. I'll go get him. I've got to get ready though." I say finally.

"Thanks Em!" She says as she walks out of the bathroom in her work clothes.

"Your welcome." I say as she hugs me and runs out of the apartment. I stagger to my room and pick out a pair of black skinny jeans with a long sleeved, long shirt. I grab my owl necklace with matching earrings and put them in. I go over my hair and fix my makeup before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I get done, I look in the mirror and see my wedding ring glisten on my finger. I moved it to the widow finger. Not like anyone really knows which finger that is anyways. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe before walking to the living room and put my black boots on.

I grab my phone and see I have a little over an hour to get to the airport. I grab my purse and keys as I walk outside.

"Brody doesn't know me." I say as I sit down in the car. I sigh and run back inside to make a sign real quick.

I find a piece of poster paper and write 'Brody Anderson'. I grab it and walk back out to my car and head to the airport.

I wonder how much Brody as changed. Is he still chubby? I wonder where he went and if it was nice. I guess well have a nice conversation when we stop for lunch.

I make it to the airport in no time. I put my keys and my phone in my purse. I grab the sign I made from the passenger seat and head inside to wait.

"Where am I suppose to wait? I don't even know where he's coming from." I mumble to myself.

I sit down in a chair where I see other people with signs sitting and I wait for what seems like forever. I stand up every time I hear that a flight is unloading. I grab my phone out of my purse and call Abigail so I can figure out where he's coming from. She answer on the 5th ring.

"Hey is he there?" She asks.

"I don't think so. Where is he flying in from?" I ask.

"Ireland I think?" She says like it's a question.

"Okay. I'm still waiting." I say.

"Okay. Text me when he gets there. I've got to go though." She says then hangs up.

I sit in the chair with the sign propped up so if he's not on the Ireland flight then he'll see the sign. I wait for an hour before I hear that Ireland has landed. I stand up with my stuff and hold the sign out.

I groan out loud as everyone comes through and no Brody. I start to sit down when a voice startles me.

"Hi, I'm Brody Anderson. I have no clue who you are but I guess Abigail sent you." The deep voice says with a slight accent that Abi doesn't have.

I turn fast and see what looks like Brody in the face but not anywhere else. His hair is a little darker but from the winter I suppose. I was right about his eyes they were a deep chocolate brown and his skin looked permanently tanned. He had lost quite a lot of weight and replaced the fat with muscle. He was incredibly good looking and I'm sure he was a block head who knew it. I blinked a couple of times before realizing that he had talked and was waiting for me to explain who I was.

"Oh, um, I'm Emmalynn Brown. Abigail is my best friend and we live together." I say as I internally grimace at Jordan's last name.

I hold my hand out for Brody to shake. He hesitates before shaking it gently. His hands are rough and they feel familiar. They remind me of Jordan's. As crazy as it sounds, knowing that Jordan's hand was in teach was enough to make me feel calm and protected. I just met Brody and I feel like that. I didn't realize how much I missed rough hands of all things.

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