6 Months Later

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Jordan's been gone for 2 years. The day of his death was hard. I didn't open the restaurant and I spent the day in bed. I didn't even eat. Abigail came over to check on me. Brody hasn't talked to me since that one night. It's been difficult.

But I'm better now. The days have passed and I'm okay. Things are almost normal. I find myself missing Brody though. Since I met him and he took care of me when I was hurting, I miss him when he's not here for me when I cry. I miss being held. I miss having him beside me.

I miss Brody and Jordan. It's almost like anytime I'm happy the world decides to snatch it from my hands.

I can't date anyone because they don't make me feel like Jordan did. Like Brody does. I can't help but to wonder what he's doing.

I pick my phone up and call Abigail.

"Hey darling." She sings.

"Hey Abigail. Where's Brody at right now?" I ask.

"Back in Ireland. He's been there for a while. He's fixing some things." She says.

"Abs I need to see him." I say as a tear slips down.

"Then go to him. Love don't hide." She says.

"Will he be upset?" I ask.

"I think he'll be surprised but it'll all be okay." She says.

"I just don't know Abigail. I'm hurting. Jordan's been gone 2 years and I'm lonely. No one has brought this feeling to me like Jordan and Brody. I think Jordan is trying to tell me something." I tell her.

"Did you have another dream?" she asks.

"Yeah. Jordan was there. He hugged me and kissed me softly. Then he whispered 'you can let go now Emma. I need you to be happy for me.' Then he faded away. I woke up then." I tell her.

"Emma. I'm booking your flight. Your going to him." She says. Then she hangs up.

I click ok Brody's name and it starts ringing.

"Hello?" I hear his voice answer.

"Hey Brody. It's me Emma." I say shyly.

"Hey Emma. I'm sorry it's been a while." He says.

"It's okay. Look I just need to hear your voice. I'm going through a lot and your the only person that makes me feel better." I say defeatedly.

"I know. Abigail called and told me. I know it hurts baby. But listen to me. I'm almost done here. I have one more person to make it up to then I'm home to you. I'm coming home to you babe. I'm gonna make everything better. Remember when I said I would be the one to fix your heart? I meant that. I'm gonna be there by Christmas baby." He says slowly. His voice soothes me and I can almost feel his arms around me.

"Brody would you be angry if I came to you?" I ask.

"Of course not. Why? Do you plan on coming?" he asks surprised.

"I want to if that's okay." I say.

"That's perfect babe. When will you be coming?"

"Whenever Abigail can book me a flight."

"Well call me and let me know. I'll pick you up at the airport."

"I will."

"I've got to go though baby. You don't have to say it back but it's laying on my heart. I love you Emma. I'll see you soon and prove it to you." He says softly.

"Okay. I'll see you soon Brody." I say slowly. I hang up and lay back on the couch. I dial Abigail.

"Hey baby." She says sweetly.

"I need the soonest flight." I say fast.

"If I do it for tomorrow then you'll have to pay a little extra." She says.

"Do it. I'm gonna need you to take care of the restaurant for me while I'm gone." I tell her.

"It's already don't. Okay babe your flight is tomorrow morning. 10 sharp." She tells me.

"Thank you Abs. I've got to pack." I tell her.

"Okay. I love you. Bye." She says then hangs up.

I walk to my room and grab my suitcase. I throw all my nice clothes in and some nice heels and flats. I grab my travel case of makeup and hygiene stuff. I put my extra charger in the bag and zip it up.

I grab my phone and call Brody.

"Hey baby. Miss me already?" he asks.

"Something like that. My flight is tomorrow at 10. I don't know how long it'll take me to get there or what so you'll have to figure that out." I tell him.

"Okay. I'll pick you up. I've got to go to bed though. I love you Em." He says sweetly then hangs up.

I crawl into bed and plug my phone up. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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