25. Spies and Seminars

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Imagine this guy in love with you! *Heart eye emoji X 10*

Song: No tears left to cry- Ariana Grande

(Not necessarily focusing on the lyrics but the vibe of the song)



I heard Michael talking to his new love interest about someone who looked like really familiar.

"I think I have a good vision, I did see her! But how could it be possible? Alex saw her...saw her- uh-" he hesitated.

"Maybe it's just your mind playing games on you, it's okay to feel helpless you know?" She soothed him.

"She was definitely not a ballroom kinda person anyways" he let out a sad smile while holding onto his friend. If I can even call her that. They have been basically glued together.

Walking back to the guest room where I've been sleeping for a few days I remembered what Nick said. Something about it was nagging me. An annoying little voice at the back of my head, urging me to look deeper.


"When were you going to tell me?" I gritted my teeth.

"Tell you what?"

"That there is a man in your life you call boyfriend? What would he think of this? What about us? You should have told me before this! I knew you were too good for me! What about him?"

"I'll ask him when I tell him that!"

"Tell him what?" I yelled. Angry with her, angry with myself, angry with my life in general!

"That he's my boyfriend!" She said in a 'duh' tone.

"He doesn't know that?" I'm confused what's going on?

"No of course not! I didn't get a chance to meet him yet! I'll meet him and I'll tell him that you are worried about-" I kissed her immediately stopped her stupid mouth saying more stupid things.

Flashback #2:

"Ooh I got a good one!" Nick spoke.

"I was just casually hanging out with my coworkers at the club near the studio when a girl sneaked up on to me. She was kinda hot so I turned to her when she said she's breaking up with me!" He laughed.

Connect the dots Alex.

But could that be possible?

Michael does have better vision...

B-But how? Why?

I stopped in my tracks and rushed to the kitchen looking for Feyona.

"Fey who's missing?" I ask panting.

"Oh dear boy come here! You are still in shock." She showed the slightest emotion.

I shakes my head and prompted her, "I need to know if any staff was added or removed or went on a leave."

"Nope everyone's accounted for." She answered.

"Are you sure about that?" I looked around.

"Except... I didn't see Mia all day today, she didn't inform about a leave too...But that hardly means she's missing." Feyona muttered. "Why what's wrong?"

"So much." I covered my face with my hands. My heart beating faster thinking about the possibilities.

Oh no!

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