2. Shook and Tied- Up

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Mr.Stranger's Mega mansion in the picture.

Who's shape I love.(See what I did there? Shape of you is the video next to it! So I love the shape- you get it right? Ok byeee)

Mr. Stranger or the mansion?



What I saw probably wasn't the worst thing I have seen in my life. But can you really compare a woman with weirdest holes in her face(with teeth growing out of them) to someone at a freakin' gunpoint? And the someone who was holding the that way pointing to the someone was the someone -or rather- Mr.Stranger with whom I was sucking faces with a few minutes ago.

Being late is a good thing for me, most of the time, it shows that I have other things to do even though I was binge watching HowToBasic videos and lost track of time. But in this situation my brain was telling me to get out of there, to go far away from them but it was - unfortunately- too late.

There were 5 men, including Mr.Stranger -I wonder if he's a Doctor so I can call him Dr. Strange and ask him if I can borrow his cape because it's the coolest-

B you need to stop this is a LIFE or DEATH situation!


As I was saying, 5 men, including Mr.Stranger were surrounding the man who I'm guessing is now just a dead body, were talking about how he was a rat they finally found and their plan was successful. The one guy who had blond hair and dark blue eyes turned towards the exit I was at and realisation flashed across his eyes.

"Guys..." The blondie spoke, "We...Uh...have a problem" he said as the other four turned to him with confusion. The alley was dimly lit but I could make out their faces. The one standing on the extreme left was skinnier than most of them and had jet black hair with vibrant grey-ish eyes, which were wide with fear...for me? Next to him the guy was showing of his impressive ink through the tank top which were the same colour as his hair. Black. He had blue eyes that complimented his skin tone making his one of the sexiest men I had ever seen.
The one in the center was of course Mr. Stranger himself with a gun in his hand still loaded. His hand clenched seeing me stand there and I think he emptied all his bullets in the dead guy because if not he probably would have killed me right there.

The last guy was the most buff one and judging by his looks, the most matured one with dirty blonde hair longer than my hopes and blue-ish eyes.
He was standing there with his arms crossed making his muscles look like they were going to tear the t-shirt apart and run away. Unlike his muscles, his face looked calm as if this situation was a daily occurrence. Maybe it was.

"I-I..uhhhh...umm I have night blindness and I'm partially deaf so I don't know what happened here Okay bye!" I said turning around to get the hell out of there!

"Nuh-uh baby, you ain't going nowhere", the sexy one with the blue eyes said as he reached to me snaking an arm around so I couldn't run away. If this was another situation I would gladly stay here, but since I have a bad timing it won't be a good idea. "Just because I'm handsome doesn't mean I'm stupid lady!" He exclaimed.

"Hey Zach weren't you the one who was supposed to lock the freakin' door?" the not so buff blondie asked turning to the skinny guy. I guess the fear I saw in his eyes earlier was for himself. "I did- I-I think" he scrunched up his nose wondering how I got out here. Cute.

"Guys we don't have time for this! Someone might see us...Again, we need to leave now", said the sexy man holding me.

"Wait you are going to take me against my will! I don't want to go with you! I told you I saw nothing! Don't you have any decency-" I screamed until Mr.Sexy wrapped his hand on my mouth to contain my screams."Hey! We can't trust a stranger like you to keep her mouth shut! And any ways haven't you heard of privacy! This was a private thing going on, who asked you to be a peeping Tom!", he responded, dragging me to the Black SUV who's number plate I couldn't get *sigh* one more thing I always saw in those CSI episodes... didn't work.

He pushed me to the door and I kept struggling to get away from him which led to my head being banged against the tinted windows. Ow. Once he got me inside and locked the door his grip on my mouth tightened.

"Whmnwrtmmmtdsmmm..." I kept trying to say even tho I had my mouth covered which seemed to irk him, so I did the only thing a sane person would do, I kept going. "Oh God please make her stop! I hate when people mumble!" I still kept going, his facial expressions kept getting funnier so I kept talking rubbish.


Awww he gave up too soon, but my brain realised it a little later and the last words out of my mouth were "and that's how because of my legs I know what 'Vertical' and 'Horizontal' mean".

He looked at as if I had grown 2 heads...I wish. Wait, what did I wanted to say? I forgot. "See THIS is why I hate people! You never let me say what I want to say in the first place then when you realise you should hear me out because haha I actually do have an opinion which is better than yours, you be like 'aye remember the right to freedom of speech and the unwritten right to contribute' you can have it! And now the damage is done, the milk has boiled! You can't bring back-" he placed his hand right where it was, more pissed than before, although I did manage to get a laugh out of the other 4.

"Mkayyymmmayy" I said showing a bunch of sign that I'm calm and ready to say what I want to say. He removes his hands slowly so that if I started babbling again he can shut me up." I was saying, if you boss Mr.Stranger here can make out with me even tho I'm a stranger I think it's okay if you trust me. Because if you go against the boss it's kinda disrespectful." I whisper the last part,but loud enough so everyone can hear. "And speaking of 'Privacy' your gang there just killed a man, he had a 'private' life too which you took away from him so YOU have no right to speak about 'Privacy'" I sighed finally getting to speak my mind.

Words are fun I thought as Mr. Sexy looked confused, should he listen to me and respect his boss? Or should listen to his boss and some how disrespect him?

"Don't listen to her Michael, she's a woman, they know how to manipulate us!"said the skinny blondie, to which I rolled my eyes. If you have a brain you could manipulate anyone, you don't need a vajayjay to do that.(Although boobies do help.)

So Mr.Sexy is Michael.

"You're one to talk Steve, aren't you known to have convinced your Principal to suck the lolly?" Michael said teasingly. "I got an A she got a D what's your problem man" the skinny blondie a.k.a. Steve smirked making everyone laugh.

"You got an A, she got a D, let me be, and drop me at the sea" I said rushing to the opportunity of saying something clever and related to the subject. You can say I don't go out much.

"You live near the sea?" "That was GOOD!" "I don't get it" "You Go Girl!" we're the things I heard before a loud SHUT UP! from the driver's seat. I glared at Mr. Stranger from the rear view mirror, how dare he take my moment of fame away from me!!

We reached a some place gaurded with what looked like Z-level security and surrounded by lush greenery. Mr.Stranger whose name I still don't know said 'It's me' in the voice receiving thing outside the security box and the gates opened revealing a big mansion, like the father of all mansion. Like if this mansion did the dirty with a smaller mansion they would produce other mansions all over the world. We drove in around a mini fountain which looked like it was there for asthetic reason.

The first thought in my mind was I could live here for a few days.

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