5. Immature and Out of Control

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Song: Attention by Charlie Puth

Hey guys! A question for you: What's the weirdest dream you had ?

Mine was on where I could bounce off my bed, the stairs in my building had orange lava leaking through them...And I wanted to lick it, while the principal of my school watched me...LOL



"What's up" I dropped my arse on the big chair with back rest for gamers.

"Our kidnappee(is that a word?lol) made Furious Fae smile! Look" he said showing me the security footage from our kitchen.

"How did she get out?"

"She did tell you that she can open the locks from the inside... Anyways, she got FEYONA to smile! Do you know how amazing that is? We don't call her Furious Fae for nothing!" Zach exclaimed looking more happy than shocked.

"Brian also asked me if she's still here, last time he cared for a person was your sister...that too because you asked him to. Oh and remember how you told Michael and Steve to take her to the room? Steve came back to see if she needed more water." I knew that, I saw him trying to be discreet.

"The same Steve who fúcks every girl that even glances at him just because a lil' whóre broke his heart in college." He's a loner that's for sure.

"Alex...she's not afraid of us and looks at us like-like we are humans."

I took a seat on the bean bag with a sigh,"What are you saying Zach?"

"She's a breath of fresh air in this shit hole Alex." I want to hold her close and breath her in too.

"And I'm just saying- suggesting very very strongly..."

"Keep her."

"Keep her, she'll be useful to you" Brian walked in taking his seat on the couch beside us.

"I-I can't do that! She's immature, insane and probably kills insects to know what their insides look like!" I said shushing the part of me which wanted her to stay for some goddamn reason.

"She is lively, is more sane than any of us here and- yeah the last part might be true...But hear me out, Alana is turning 18 this month and she still acts like a 13 year old most of the time, she needs a woman to you know- teach her womanly stuff." Brian said with a serious tone.

He was too protective of my sister and I loved him for that. But my eyes widened as I realised what he was hinting at.

"No, NO! She's not going to do any womanly stuff till she's married! That too to MY CHOICE of man, no wait! Not even then, not ever!" I said as a shiver ran through me. The idea of my sister growing up was terrifying.

"Alex you need to understand, she has been surrounded by men most of her life, none of which by the way​ knew how to take care of her, Ariana is the feminine aspect she needs." Brain explained.

"And we all know Furious Fae isn't the best role model around here" Zach said rolling his eyes.

"Fine!" I said with a sigh, running a hand on my face.

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