24. Past and the Present

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Song: Next to me by Imagine Dragons

This is going to be sad...



I was waiting. Waiting for the Snake Head to show up or atleast send one of his minions. I was too busy with other shít and I just wanted to get this over with. That's when a sweet voice filtered through the noise and surrounded me like an enchanting fog.

"Um, sorry I forgot your name, can I call you mine?" She said making me clench my fist to control my -er reaction.

I turned around to find the prettiest doll like face custom made from the receipts of my dreams attached to an equally hot body.

Junior here was having a hard time keeping it low.

I recited some line that I picked up from somewhere, I don't even remember what I said but I do remember seeing her eyes for the first time.

They were deep and expressive yet hid secrets in their fibres. They had a spark in them that made me eager. I wanted to know their story, I wanted to know their plans and I wanted to be a part of them. I wanted them to shine for me. I wanted to feed off of the energy they emitted.

I wanted her.

And by someone's Grace I did get her. I got her eyes to sparkle even though they had their secrets. I was too busy admiring her anyways.

The way she accomplished self appointed missions as ridiculous as they might be. The way she gave so much expecting nothing in return yet getting everything she hoped for. The satisfied glint when she pissed me off or got her way with things.

To be honest I was a little airy in my head whenever she was around. Looking back now I know a lot of the things I did - we did, didn't make any sense. Going with the flow I think.

I liked her attitude towards things, she focused on the present yet respected her future. Never talked about her past though.

I never asked.

I was worried that I didn't have the right to know that. I was scared of her reaction. I felt anxious about all the weird tingles. I felt all the things I hadn't felt in a long time. Even my past relationships weren't as exciting and interesting as she was.


Past tense.

I wished that she was here besides me right now, that we'd make sweet love and talk about our future together.

Look at me being all sappy like the romance movies Alana forced me to watch!

But I understand now. I understand why the characters reacted like that, why they did what they did. I'd happily go read a story to her everyday just to see her face and be close to her. Knowing that she's alive and well. I'd spend every moment admiring her, holding her close to me, annoying her, loving her.


Am I in love?

What does that even mean?

That you feel like life sucks and you can't live without them? Like you are in an neverending tunnel that runs in darkness? And only one person can run in with a flood torch and get you out of it?

Seeing her...seeing her go...like that messed up my head. At first I was in shock. The day was going so well, although a little weird. It's almost as if she knew something was going to happen. Did she know she was going to- going to-

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