10. Dare and Hair

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I woke really warm and tingly, like when you wake up in your coziest blanket on a cold winter day and never want to get out and just cuddle the fúck out of yourself. Turns out that it was the coziest blanket draped on me along with a warm thick arm on my waist holding me close to a chiseled chest.

Yumm! The things we did after our first round are probably the reason I have drool on Alex's arm below my head.

I have been thinking this a lot recently but it was different with him. Last night was different. He was different.

I turn around in his arms, obviously wiping the drool first. He moves a little but snuggles back into my hair.

Talking about hair, the silky velvety smooth black strands of perfectly tussled bed hair tickled my cheeks. The same hair I ran my hands through a million times and would love to do a million times more.

Hmmm maybe I should do something with that.

Yeah I'm bored as fúck and I need some drama fed me that to down with the cold ass tea I have up here!

Woah B wasn't last night exhausting enough?

Nah girl I'ma need some action up here ya know like someone killing someone, some torture, some psycho shit, or atleast some drama honey!

Yup I'm crazy.

Yaaaaaaaas hoe!

Only alcohol can shut this constant blabbering. But it's still morning so I decide to have some fun instead of just ignoring the weird ideas I get.

I squeeze out of Alex's arms and go take a shower, wondering what I should do to get some entertainment around here.

Eureka! I scream in my brain as I find my hair band on my wrist! I tiptoe back to my room and get some more random hair bands that I borrowed from Mia and run back to Alex's room.

I make a few ponies (or pigtails whatever you call those) while admiring his sleeping face.


Oh hush!

And then went to the living room with an evil smirk.


"So...you had a good night's sleep?" Zach smirked or well tried to smirk but it just seemed like a cute boyish smile. He walked around and got his cereal in the bowl before pouring the milk.

"Ugh I woke up to get some water but I definitely got more than I asked for! You guys are loud!" Steve said, messing with Alana's hair. Alana snapped out of her haunting thoughts and placed a small scowl on her face.

"Hey! Keep your hands off! It's the unwritten LAW! DON'T touch a Dimitriou's hair!" She scolded him slapping his hand away.

"What happens if you do mess with a Dimitriou's hair?" I asked wanting to know the repercussion of my actions.

"You DIE or wish you were DEAD!" She spoke looking me deep into my eyes to convey the seriousness of the situation.


I scarf down my breakfast wanting my last meal to be as fulfilling as it can be.

As expected he walks into the dining area, to get some cereal for himself just like I left him.

Zach is the first one to choke on his own breakfast followed by Steve on his juice , Michael and Alana just trying not to laugh out loud.

"What?" He mumbled hoarsely looking at Alana. Which made her burst out laughing while he looked confused.

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