43|September First

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October 4, 2018
New York City, New York

"Olivia, wake up," I lightly shake her in the small twin bed.

"Already?" She groans while slowly sitting up in the bed.

"Yes, already, now it's time to eat breakfast," I pick her up to take her downstairs.

We didn't get back to the apartment until late last night, then even still I had homework to finish.

As I approach the dark kitchen, I can hear shuffling around.

"Olivia, stay here," I whisper to her before grabbing a broom that was once leaning against the wall.

I tiptoe on the cold floor until the figure is right in front of me, they're raiding our snack cabinet!

"Intruder!"" I shout as I swing the broom around in the air.

"Ow! Damn it, Harper. Quit!" Connor, the snack cabinet intruder was Connor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. Why are you home?" I ask while turning on the light switch and bringing Olivia into the kitchen.

"I took off today because we're going to take a short  trip to San Francisco until Sunday. We have a flight  today at 3:00 P.M. The flight is straight there, it should only take about five hours and twenty minutes in total. Their time zone is three hours behind ours, so that will put us there at 5:00 their time," he explains.

   "We're just going to take a random vacation?" I scrunch my nose.

   "We can't move into the new house until Monday, so I figured why not do something in the meantime," he shrugs.

   "But Olivia has school tomorrow," I point out.

   "I know, I know. I already worked that out with her teacher. After your classes are done Harper you can come here to pack. I'll pack for Olivia and then we can pick her up early from school to head to the airport," Connor tells us both.

   Olivia looks at me, hoping I'll find the right words to say, but, I just shake my head at her.

   I go through my usual school routine, attending all my classes. However, the whole time I am too busy day dreaming to actually focus.

   New York University is so close to Connor's apartment it wasn't necessary for Juliette to pick me up or drop me off.

   "Hi!" I eagerly say to Connor as I throw everything I can into one suitcase.

   "Oh so now you're excited to go," he playfully rolls his eyes, I flip him off in response.

   After an hour of preparing for the trip, Connor comes back in to the bedroom.

   "Are you ready to go?" He asks.

   "Yes!" I grab my suitcase before running out to his car.

   After picking up Olivia, we head to the airport to wait for our flights departure.

   "I'm starting to develop a hatred for airports," I admit to Connor as we pass through security.

   Once we're finished passing through security, we take a seat in the lobby. I impatiently tap my foot on the ground, waiting for our flight to get called.

   "Flight to San Francisco, California is now boarding," a woman announces over the airport speaker.

   "That's us!" I stand up from the chair to head to the plane.

   This plane is a lot larger than the one we took on our flight to Nashville.

   As soon as I sit in the airplane seat, I'm out like a light.

   I'm not awake again until the flight attendant announces our flight is landing.

   "We're here!" Olivia shouts, causing nearby people to give us dirty looks.

   We exit the plane to get our luggage.

   "Let's check into the hotel, then we can go to the Golden Gate Bridge,"Connor suggests as we get into the car he rented for our trip.

   "Well you just have everything figured out, don't you?" I jokingly ask.

   Upon arrival at the hotel, Connor insist Olivia and I stay in the car while he checks in. Connor returns with a man pulling a luggage cart who takes all of our luggage.

   "Alright, he's going to leave our bags in our room," Connor tells us while starting the car back up.

   "The bridge is so close to our hotel, that's really cool!" I point at the Golden Gate Bridge off into the distance.

   After getting out of the car, Olivia takes off towards the bridge, Connor and I quickly catch up to her. Olivia stands in between us with her tiny hands locked in one of ours each.

   We walk towards the center of the bridge walkway where there is not many tourist.

   "Connor it's beautiful," I lean onto the railing, overlooking the San Francisco Bay.

   The sun is beginning to set, all the colors mixed together are stunning.

   "Harper," Connor says, catching me off guard.

   "Yes?" I ask while turning towards him.

"From the day I first met you I knew I was in love with you. When you spilled your coffee on me, I couldn't be mad, I pretended I was, but in all reality I was thinking, "oh my gosh this is the most beautiful girl in New York City". I know this so soon to ask, you're only nineteen. But I'm tired of calling you my girlfriend and it hasn't even been that long. The news headlines always talk about us, so what do you say, let's give them something else to talk about. Harper Paisley Aspen, yes Olivia told me your middle name, will you marry me?" He asks while getting down on one knee.

I know it's soon, we both know it's soon, but I want to spend the rest of my life with Connor. For better or for worse.

"Yes!" I shout while pressing my lips to his as Olivia shields her eyes.

He slips the engagement ring on my finger, it fits perfectly.

"What about me?" Olivia crosses her arms.

"I got you this," he leans down to her level with a necklace that has something engraved into it.

"What does it say?" She looks closely at the necklace.

"It says, September 1, 2018," he answers.

"Why?" She questions.

"Because that was the day our lives changed forever,"

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