14|Healing Hearts

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New York City, New York
September 9, 2018

   Even Connor's sweet gesture yesterday still didn't fill the hole in my heart formed after Apollo's death. My Mom kept telling me on the phone "He's in a better place now". I know he is happy now, but I just wish he could be happy here with me. Today is Sunday, meaning Connor doesn't work. However, I heard him leave this morning. It is possible that he had some extra work to finish. Either way, it's none of my business.

   Normally at 9:53 A.M in the mornings I would play with the dogs, but now I just mope around the house.

   "Wow, what a nice couch," I say while sitting on Connor's white couch in the living room.

   "I wonder if the inventor of couches dog died," I cross my arms.

   "It was created in 1895 by Jay Wellingdon," a voice   comes from behind me.

   I turn around and see Connor with his arms behind his back.

   "Why are you doing that with your arms?" I ask, referring to how he has them weirdly placed behind his back.

   "Well I know nothing could ever replace Apollo," he begins but I cut him off.

   "Well gee, thanks for reminding me," I snap.

   "Just shush for a second, anyway, I know nothing could ever replace Apollo, but I think you and Shasta deserve another friend. Though he may never live up to Apollo's legacy, nor will he ever be Apollo at all, I think you should give him a chance," he says while pulling his arms in front of him, holding an Australian Shepherd puppy.

   I gasp while quickly getting off the couch.

   "Connor he's beautiful!" I exclaim while taking the puppy in my arms.

   "What are you going to name him?" Connor asks.

   "Aristaeus," I quickly answer.

   "Ari- what?" He questions and I laugh.

   "Aristaeus, the son of Apollo and Cyrene. It's Greek mythology, you wouldn't understand," I try to explain.

   "You're so smart, I'm surprised you didn't go to college," he jokes, but in all reality it isn't a joke. Because it's true. I am smart and I am in college.

   I don't respond to his last comment, I instead change the subject.

   "Well, I think I'm going to introduce Shasta to
Aristaeus. You're welcome to come if you'd like," I tell him before walking towards the stairs.

   "I have a lot of work to do, I'll be in my office," he denies my offer.

   Can he not just wait and do his work in a couple of minutes? I guess not.

   "Okay, thank you so much for the puppy, Connor," I give him a side hug before taking the puppy upstairs to my room.

   "Shasta," I whisper while walking into my room.

   She lifts her head from the floor.

   "I want you to meet Aristaeus," I set him on the floor in front of her.

   She quickly rises to her feet to observe Aristaeus. But soon she begins licking his head as if he were her own puppy.

   I smile at the two of them before sitting on my bed and pulling out my notebook. I need to finish my five page paper!

   While my parents are my everything and always will be, I think I'm going to have to write this paper about Olivia and Connor.

   I take a deep breath before putting my pencil to the paper.

   "Misunderstood, unaccepted, and lost are three words that describe how I felt when I first came to New York City. Understood, accepted, and found are three words that describe how I feel now. All the butterflies I get in my stomach are caused by a boy named Connor, and all the smiles in my world are caused by his daughter named Olivia," I begin to write and eventually it's not my hand writing anymore, it is my heart. Metaphorically speaking of course.

   Two hours later, I am on my fifth page, not even wanting to end it.

   "All in all, it's not who you have known the longest, it's about who came into your life and promised they would always be there, for better or for worse. Thankfully, I have Connor and Olivia in my life, without them, I don't know what my life would be like right now. Though we may fight, there will never be a time that I love them any less."

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