6|Caught Red Handed

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New York City, New York
September 4, 2018

The dreadful day has finally came, I am forced to  leave Olivia at home by herself while I go to my college classes.

I have no choice but to run to class due to the fact my car is still at home in Tennessee, I never thought I would need it in New York City.

I put on athletic clothing and my heavy book bag. I slowly shut the front door behind me, not wanting to wake up Olivia. I set a timer on my phone to track how long it takes me to sprint to New York University.

I put in my earbuds and run faster than I ever did during track or soccer season. I ran like there was a giant Tyrannosaurus rex chasing me. I soon reach the college in fourteen minutes and eleven seconds. Fast, but not fast enough. I walk to my first class at eight o'clock.

"Are you okay, Harper?" My college acquaintance, Hailey asks.

"Yeah, long story," I shake my head.

Every single class was a blur due to the fact the only thing I could think about was what if something bad happens to Olivia? Connor would kill me!

After the last class ends, I skip talking to people like I normally do. I take off out the door and sprint faster than I did on my way there. Being that it is now twelve, there is more tourist on the sidewalks. But a person running at them very fast clears a pretty good path.

I unlock the front door with the key Connor gave me while panting. I slowly walk up the stairs, throwing my bag in my bedroom before rushing into Olivia's room.

   "Hi Olivia! Sorry I'm a little late," I say while walking into her bedroom.

   "You look sweaty,"she says before laughing.

   "It must just be hot in here," I shrug.

   "Maybe. Can we go to the park?" She asks as she gets out of bed.

  "Of course! We can even bring the dogs!" I exclaim.

   I help her get dressed before we head to the park. I decide to text Courtney as we're leaving the house.

   "Hey! Olivia and I are going to be at the park with my dogs if you would like to come too!" I press send as I shut the front door behind me.

"Great! We'll be over there shortly," she responds.

"Chloe and Maria are going to meet us there," I tell Olivia.

"Really? Yay!" She jumps up and down as we continue to make our way to the park.

Surprisingly Courtney and the kids beat us there.

"Go play!" I tell Olivia while sitting down on a bench with Courtney while the dogs run around us.

Courtney and I talk back and fourth until a scream puts both of us on our feet.

"Ahhhhhh!" We run towards the jungle gym to see Olivia hanging off the edge of a high point.

"Olivia no!" I shout while trying to catch her, but it's too late. She hits the hard rocks.

She burst into tears on the spot. I quickly grab Shasta and Apollo's leashes, picking up Olivia with my free arm.

"I'm really sorry Harper, I hope she is okay," Courtney tells me.

"Thank you, I'll talk to you soon Courtney!" I rush towards the house with Olivia and the dogs.

She has blood beginning to flow out of some of her fresh cuts, but she is longer crying.

"We're almost there." I say while unlocking the door and coming face to face with Connor, it doesn't take a college major social worker to see that he is very clearly pissed.

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