9|Bad Words and Close Calls

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New York City, New York
September 6, 2018

After a fairly easy day of college, I came home to Olivia desperately wanting to go to Central Park.

"Why do you want to go to Central Park so bad?" I ask.

"Because, it's fun," she shrugs and I laugh.

I don't exactly have a way of getting there unless we walk.

"Alright, I'll see if Courtney and the kids want to tag along," I eventually give in.

"Hey would you and the girls like to go to Central Park with Olivia and I?" I text Courtney.

"Of course, pick you up in ten?" She asks.

"Sounds good, see you soon!" I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that she remembered my car was in Tennessee and offering to take us.

Once the ten short minutes have passed, Olivia and I get in Courtney's car. She drives a black Chevrolet Equinox. That was the same kind of car Olivia's kidnapper drove in my night mare! The thought of that nightmare sends chills down my spine.

   After a few minutes on the road, another car unexpectedly pulls out in front of us.

   "Bitch!!!" Courtney yells while slamming her hand down on the horn.

   "What's a bitch?" Olivia asks.

   "Well, that's what people say when something surprises them," I lie.

   "Bitch!" Maria shouts.

   "Bitch!" Olivia joins in.

   Eventually all three girls are saying it in unison.

   "Stop!" Courtney yells making the car go silent.

   "Never repeat that word ever again," I say sternly.

   It isn't their fault, they're young and don't understand.

   We soon arrive at Central Park. Today is not a very busy day apparently. Well, for New York City that is.

   "Miss Courtney what are we going to do here?" Chloe asks while we help them out of the backseat.

   "We're going to walk around and talk," Courtney shrugs while placing her on the ground.

   As the five us begin to walk towards the park I see an all too familiar face walking on the sidewalk. Connor!

"Hey Olivia let's race to that tree over there!" I say while sprinting towards a tree in the park.

She follows behind me quickly. I slow down to let her win as Courtney, Chloe, and Maria continue to walk towards us.

   "That was random," Chloe raises her eyebrows at me.

   "I just felt like running, I don't get to do that much anymore," I shrug, that was a major lie.

   After fiddling around in the park for a few hours, Courtney drops us off at the house.

   Within minutes of our arrival at the house, Connor pulls in the driveway. That was extremely close.

   "Don't tell daddy what we did today," I whisper to Olivia as Connor opens the front door.

   Olivia scurries off to the living room, leaving Connor and I alone.

   "Good evening, Harper," he greets me. His talking is too fancy for a Tennessee person like myself.

  "Hi, Connor," I respond, he gives me a strange look. Obviously I wasn't supposed to greet him like that.

   "What did you and Olivia do today?" He asks.

   "Nothing much," I shrug.

   "You all seem to do that everyday," he responds, suspicious of what we are up to.

   "Well uh-," I begin, but I am cut off by Olivia running in the room.

   "Bitch!" She shouts while running to her father.

   My face goes red while I try to contain my anger.

   "Olivia! Where did you hear that word?" He growls.

   "Miss Courtney!" She responds.

   "Miss Courtney? Courtney who?" He asks.

   "Courtney Richardson! She came by the house today and cursed me out for no reason. It's no big deal, I handled it," I make up a fake last name and story, not wanting Connor to know that I take Olivia to hang out with another nanny and her kids almost everyday.

   "Did you call the police?" He questions.

   "No, no." I shake my head.

   "Next time call the police, alright? Good." He says before walking away.

   Olivia and I look at each other for a solid minute before she pokes me harshly in the stomach.

   "Ow, what the heck Olivia!" I shout while placing my hand on my stomach.

   She squints her eyes at me before stomping  up the stair case.

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