13|True Love Knows No League

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New York City, New York
September 9, 2018

   I woke up in my own bed with Shasta by my side. Connor must have carried me up here, unless Olivia has some superhuman strength. The sun is shining through the window, how long have I been asleep? I look around for my phone and eventually find it on the night stand.

12:42 P.M? I practically slept a whole twenty four hours! But if it's 12:42, Olivia! My mind finally comes to realization as I quickly get on my feet and rush to her room.

I open the door only to find that she is no longer there.

"You should just take a day off today," Connor says from behind me.

I turn around to see him holding Olivia in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, I can't believe I slept that late! Please forgive me, I know that," he cuts me off.

"Shhh, it's okay," he assures me and I sigh.

"I can take care of her," I open my arms while going to grab her from him.

"Harper, please just take the day off. I think you need it," he responds and I nod.

I guess I'll just use this time to write my college essay. I lock my bedroom door before sitting on my bed with a notepad.

   What am I most grateful for? Ice cream? Yes, but no. Leg warmers? No, that's too weird.

   Think harder Harper!

   My family, of course! But what about Olivia and Connor? They're my family, right?

   I read over the rubric before starting my rough draft.

   I use a quote from online as my hook.

   "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and love you no matter what"

   I turn the page to begin writing.
   "Never in a million years did I ever think that a city would change my whole entire life. I went from living on a ranch in Nashville, Tennessee to living in a mansion with a person I just met."

    I begin to write but rip the page out, startling Shasta who was sound asleep. I close my notebook and slam it on the ground. There is too much on my mind right now.

   After about an hour, I hear a knock on my door. I slowly get up to unlock the door.

   "Hi," I quietly say to Connor, standing in the doorway.

   "Hey, so I got a few of your favorite movies," he says while holding up three movies I have never seen in my life.

"I've never watched any of those, Connor," I let out a light laugh.

"Well they are about to become your favorite movies," he responds.

"What are they? Documentaries on how to run a business?" I sarcastically ask.

"Keep being rude and that might just be what it turns into," he lightly pushes me.

"So do you want to watch this or not?" He asks.

"Sure," I respond.

"Great, we'll watch them in the theater room," he says before turning around.

"Last one there is a sore loser!" I shout while rushing past him.

He follows closely behind me. Just before I can set foot in the room, he pulls me back by my waist.

"That's cheating!" I squeal as I try to get out of his grip.

He puts me down and runs into the room first.

I kick him in the leg, in return he picks me up, which is followed by throwing me onto one of the couches.

Connor puts in the movie Daddy's Home 2 before taking a seat beside me.

Somehow Connor had managed to make me forget about how horrible my life is right now. I don't feel like the poor girl living two separate lives. I feel important. I just wish it could always feel like this.

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