19|Accepted, Yet Broken

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New York City, New York
September 13, 2018

   I continue to walk towards the city, not knowing where else to go. I end up running into the same homeless old lady that I gave my five dollars to earlier.

   "What have you got all that stuff for sweetie?" She asks me.

   "I was kicked out of the place I was living," I sigh.

   "Well don't you have money to stay at a hotel or something?" She questions.

   "Nope. I have nothing," I frown.

   "Where are you going to go tonight, it's getting even colder," she is making me feel as if I actually matter and I hate it.

   "I'm not really sure," I shrug.

   "How about you and the dogs come to where a few of my friends and I stay at night," she suggest.

   Isn't she homeless?

   "Are you sure, I don't want to intrude," I could just say no. No is probably the safest option, but I'm Harper Aspen! Why would I choose the right decision?

  "Yes of course, I was getting ready to head over there now. We can go together!" Why is she doing this for me?

   "I'm Jamilla by the way," she extends her hand.

   "Harper," I respond.

   I follow her through the crowd while the dogs bark at various people.

   Fifteen minutes later I am in a dark scary alley. Graffiti covers the walls, people smoking every drug that could be smoked lean against it.

   "Here we are," she says while walking up the steps into a building that has no door, but instead a curtain.

   She moves the curtain to the side, signaling for me to go first.

   I walk into the building and immediately the people take notice of me.

   "Guys, I have a new guest, meet Harper," Jamilla does Jazz hands while pointing at me.

   "Hi guys," I awkwardly say.

   "Hi," the four of them respond in unison with big smiles on their faces.

   "Jamilla, she looks like she belongs on a red carpet, what is she doing here?" A woman with black hair and a dark complexion asks.

   "She was kicked out of her place, I wasn't just going to leave her in the cold!" Jamilla explains.

   "You need to get back into the real world as soon as possible. A beautiful young girl like yourself has so much potential in this world. Us on the other hand? We're old, ugly, unwanted. We're all just praying that the drugs take our life before age does," the same woman from earlier says.

   "Sauda, that's enough. She will get back out there, she just needs time. Harper, you can have the empty spot back there. It used to be Aba's, " she points to a small empty corner.

   "What happened to her?" I ask.

   "She overdosed a couple months ago. She was an amazing woman, really she was." A grey haired lady with a voice damaged from smoking answers.

   I bring the dogs over to the small corner. They look horrified at what is going on.

   I set up food and water for them before taking a seat on the ground.

   "So what happened?" Sauda questions.

   "I was a nanny for a millionaire's three year old daughter, however I'm a college student at NYU that would leave her home in the mornings by herself to a attend school. He didn't know I was a college student. But, in the process the millionaire and I became closer. A few nights ago it was his birthday and we almost did it, if you know what I mean. But today he found out everything and kicked me out," I break down into tears.

   "Oh sweetheart, this is not the end of your guy's love story, this is just the beginning," Jamilla squeezes my hand.

   "What are you saying?" I ask in between sobs.

   "He will come back for you, I promise," she reassured me.

   Connor coming back for me after everything I've done? Highly doubtful.

   As nighttime approaches the girls move to their own sides of the room to lay down and go to sleep.

   The only thing protecting me from the dangers outside is a thin cotton curtain.

   I shiver as the cold air blows the curtain , letting the fall breeze hit my skin.

   He doesn't want you Harper. Nobody does....

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