Chapter 36

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Ammar's POV.

"Just shut up! Shut up! You know what, I actually came here to explain things to you, to tell you the whole truth but it seems you're still blind."

"Whatever. The revenge I want to take on you, I still Will!!!" She screamed back, turned and left.

I was really raging and fuming with anger now. I wanted to give her a tight slap but I decided against it, putting in consideration that she's a woman.

She had really annoyed me so badly. I thought with the opportunity I had gotten, I'd be able to at least tell her every single things and tell her that nothing is at seems. But she provoked me to the peak  really.

I didn't even get to go ahead with the remaining plans I had in mind. I felt like giving up already. It felt as if I'd been defeated and nothing was going to be alright. Ever Since I saw Sauf after these five years, there's no day I haven't thought about her and hoped she'd one day forgive me and hear me out once. She became all I thought of all day long.

But I guess, I am not destined to get back the love of my life.


I turned the door knob opening the door to my apartment. Shocked, I saw Fahd sitting on the couch, I was really surprised.

"What you doing here brother?" I asked as I walked towards him. He immediately looked up and on seeing me, he rushed to me as well.

"How did everything go at Sauf's?"

"How'd you know?"

"Urh Sara told me everything and that you went over. What happened at the press conference?"

"The journalists were busy asking about her past and stuff. So judge got back memories and broke down. She actually revealed to me that she's actually Sauf. She kept shouting at me. I got extremely annoyed at her and shouted back,"

"What!?" Fahd shouted 0.1 second after my last word.

"What? Why are you so shocked?"

"You shouldn't have done that Ammar!" He placed his hand on his forehead as if in disappointment. I was getting really confused.

"What do you mean? I mean she was just not understanding and wasn't ready to listen. How do you expect me not to have been-" he cut me off mid sentence.

"Angry right? What do you want now in life? Tell me Ammar,"

"I want to unite with Sauf, you know that," I said.

"Great! And you think by getting angry, she'll come running to you, besides she herself, is angry. Have you ever seen two angry people getting along?"

"Get. To. The. Point," I said one by one.

"The point here Ammar, is that, whatever happens you have to control your anger. In the process of trying to get her back, you will encounter challenges, but that doesn't mean you should get angry, give up and walk away. No! There's more to what you're doing. I am telling you this, just be yourself, In fact you don't need to plan anything anymore. On her own, she'll realize everything and give you a chance to explain. Yes, I know it will take time but what do you have to do?" He asked as I looked up at him.

"Be patient." I chuckled like a small child.

He gave me a manly hug and later left after a cup of tea.

I really loved his advice and he was right! I should just be patient. 

As it is said: 'Allah does not give his worshipers that which they can not carry or bare,'

And I believe God's time is the best.

3 months later...

"I'm telling you, you should wear this for the engagement. Don't forget, the wedding is in there more months. You have time to decide. But for now, I think this will suit you perfectly." I said to Fahd as I dropped the Gold Pakistani attire on the couch. I stepped out to of my room to go and get dressed.

Over the last three months, I and Fahd moved in together after Iman moved to Manchester. Since then, he and Sara has been seeing each other and I must say, they love each other so very much. Sauf was against it at first because she thought Fahd was a low class man but I think Sara did  a good job at persuading her. She still was grumpy about it though.

Oh and speaking of Sauf, she came to me two weeks after the incident and apologised to me for raising her voice. But she clearly stated that she still hadn't forgiven me and would never will. I didn't believe that though because I have faith in my Lord.
Fahd and Sara tried all that they could to bring me and Sauf together but Sauf wasn't allowing any progress. She still had the same mindset in her head. She still wasn't ready to speak to me u less for work related issues.

She became more softer by the day and less strict. But still as grumpy as she was. But I think the incident with Amir also softened her heart a little. You must be wondering, ehat incident. Well, Amir got into a very bad accident on his way back from a road journey. And of course, since that was his destiny, he passed away. It was a tragic incident but we all managed to come over it at last.


"Attention everyone, I know it seems weird for you for a bride to be speaking like this on her engagement party, well I'm not just any type of girl you know," Sara was really hilarious. She is an extremely fun person and cheerful.

"So I would like for two people to dance for me and Fahd please. You both scant say no though! So Ammar and Sauf, why don't you steal the show?" And then a loud round of applause burst through the crowd unexpectedly.

At first I was caught off guard but I was happy about it, in fact extremely happy. I knew Sara was trying to get us closer to each other and it was going to work. I moved slowly to were Sauf was and the lights were dimmed. I was about to ask her for a dance romantically even though I knew she'd be annoyed. Before I could say jack!, the spotlight was on us and she had nowhere to escape.

I am going to change your mind about me today Sauf. If not completely, then a little bit At least. As it is said, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Ooouuuuu! This is getting to another level o.

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I love you all so very much❤❤❤
Love, Asma

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