Chapter 24

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Ammar's POV.

5 years later...

"We're sorry sir, but we can't hire you," The man sitting in front of me at his desk said with utmost seriousness on his face.

I did not bother to beg because  that was what I'd been doing for the past 72 hours. I'd lost everything. Yes! You heard that. I'd lost everything.

Seven years ago, I was living with Basma so peacefully. I was so happy, I forgot Sauf and everything I felt for her. Little did I know, that Basma and her mother had charmed me into doing all the things I did. I forgot Sauf, forgot the love I had for her. I couldn't even remember anything that had happened between us, all I could remember was he name. It was all part of the charm. She stole all my money, and took my property. I got her pregnant and foolishly made my son the sole heir of my empire. She took them all away from me. She took away my son and everything I'd lived life for. I had nothing and nowhere to go, life had taken a drastic turn now. There was nothing I could do. I then decided to go back and live with my parents and brother. He had finished his studies and was now married with a child.

I never imagined I could lose everything in seven years. I became a loser, a huge one at that. On hearing that Rayyan was dead, I thought,

How is Sauf then? Where is She? Is she still in Leicester? Does she still love me?

Different questions crossed my mind one by one. I wished she could be with me, I missed her so much. I had become so thin and fragile. The dark circles under my eyes showed that I never got enough sleep at all. Life really was, testing me.

Ali had asked me to join him in the small shoemaking business he had established, but I refused. I didn't even want to do anything, I just wanted to die.

All the friends I had before Basma came Into my Life, I lost them and I was the one who pushed them away.

My dad then advised me to move to Central London and start a new life there. He told me that I wouldn't achieve anything if I continued to stay in Leicester. I would just hurt my self with the good memories of Sauf and bad memories of Basma. I decided to do as he said.


" Welcome aboard passengers. On behalf of British Airways, I welcome you aboard. We wish you a peaceful and pleasant journey to Central London. Safe flight!" The flight attendant said from the loudspeaker. I rested my head on the headrest and started thinking of the new life I would start living.

I don't known what I will do IN Central London. What if I meet Basma there? No way, she wouldn't leave all the assets Leicester. I was grateful to Ali that he had arranged a small one bedroom apartment for me. I only have to look for a job now and sustain myself. But I won't get married again, never! Unless if I see Sauf again. And I'll look for her until my last breath.

I thought.

The air hostess served us grilled sandwiches, chips, smoothie and chocolates since it was a very short flight.

We arrived at around two o'clock pm. I was happy about that since I now had the opportunity to see my apartment properly.

I received weird stares at the airport, I was sure I looked like someone who had been beaten black and blue.
I managed to find a taxi that would take me home. I kept staring at the beautiful buildings outside. I had never been here before.

We arrived at the apartment after one hour because it was far from the airport.
I collected my luggage from the trunk and hopped in Flat 4.

Luckily, it was completely furnished. All i needed were my clothes. I explored the apartment and I figured it wasn't that bad thought everything was small. The kitchen was small. The small living space was also small. The bathroom and bedroom was also small but no worries.

I quickly unpacked my Thu t's and placed them neatly in the wardrobe. I fixed Sauf's picture right across the bed on a dresser, so I would see her face first thing every morning.

I decided to go out and get a few groceries to sustain my self for at least a week before I purchase everything for a month and find a decent job.


The sun was shining through the window and I was woken up by the chirping of the birds. Stretching my arms and opening my eyes, I locked eyes with Sauf's image, casually sitting across me. I lazily took a shower and got dressed in a white shirt, dark pants and a red tie. I had an interview today at a company called erh...can't remember the name. I'll check again.

I quickly toasted 3 slices of bread and made a cup of tea. I chewed up and drank up and I was set to go.

I checked for the name of the company again and told the taxi man and we set off.

It was just a twenty minute drive which I was glad about. I stepped out of the taxi and clutched to my files. I know I sound like a conservative girl from high school but yo! I'm a man, but I'm different from the psycopaths-like men.

I walked through the gate not after waiting five minutes waiting for approval to get in and signing. Even after telling them I was there for an Interview, there were still formalities.

The boss here must be strict.

I strolled to the reception and after giving the necessary information to the receptionist, I sat in the midst of the young men who were also there for an Interview.

"Assalamu Alaykum. I'm Fahad." A young man sitting next to me greeted.

"Waalaykumu Salaam. I'm Ammar," I replied. We began chatting from there and I realized he had also come from Birmingham to settle here just like me.

"I heard the boss is extremely strict. She doesn't tolerate nonsense and lack of punctuality,"

"Oh she's a lady?"

"Yeah. We have to be smart about how we answer her questions."

"I see but-"

"Mr Ammar Abdullah. Your turn" The receptionist called out, cutting me shot.

I slowly knocked on the office that I was directed to. I could already see the Boss because the doors were glass. But her MacBook was covering her face.

I knocked again and opened the door slowly.

She lifted her head slowly and BOOM!

Cliffhanger!!!!!! Who is this Boss lady that is strict and everyone respects so much.

Any ideas? Someone from Ammar's boss or is he just shocked at what his boss looked like?

Find out in the next chapter.

I love you all so so  much. Keep reading and voting, I appreciate It a lot.

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