Chapter 5

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I want to wish everyone Ramadan Kareem. I pray this month gives you blessings and may all your problems be solved. Amin❤

Ammar's POV.

I had been feeling quite uneasy ever since my parents told me to go for an arranged marriage. Even though, I gave my consent, I was still worried that something might go wrong. Something like rejection.

I went upstairs to my room to say my dhuhr prayer. I decided to recite the Qur'an to ease myself and gain some relief. After reading two entire chapters successfully. I lay on my bed with my arm on my forehead, staring at the ceiling. I started thinking about random stuff and my childhood.

When I was young my parents always made sure I got all I wanted, they gave me what I deserved but they never pampered us, after all we are just a middle class family. My younger brother, Ali would always get into trouble and I was the one that would save him. He was such a menace. We went to the same school, he was in kindergarten while I was in Grade school. It used to be so much fun, Dad would always pick us up from school and get us some ice cream on our way home.
Once we arrived home, mum will be there, standing on the foyer waiting for us. She was so sweet. On mother's day, I, Ali and Dad would always bake a cake and do the house chores, we never let her work on mother's day. Good old times.

Ali was in Australia, pursuing his studies. I really missed him a lot.

Let me give him a call, hopefully he's done with lectures by now . I sat upright and picked my phone up from the night stand.

He answered on the fourth ring.

"Assalamu Alaykum bro!" I spoke first.

"Wa'alykumu Salaam, how're you and our parents?"

"We're doing well Alhamdulillah."
"Hey do you know our Asmaara is getting married in about two weeks time?"

"Really? Wow I miss my baby cousin !"

"Stop calling her baby cousin, she's older than you."

"By the way, when will I be hearing the news of my sister-in-law eh?"

"Shut up! You're always joking around. On a serious note, mum and dad are considering an arranged marriage for me."

"What! And you gave in? As far as I know you, you're totally against arranged marriages."

"Yeah I know, but my innerself just told me to."

"Oh bro! All I can say is good luck!"

We chatted for quite a while before hanging up.
Going back to the talk about the arranged marriage, my mind went straight to Sauf. It's been long since I spoke to her. I decided then to text her.

Assalamu Alaykum Sauf.- A

I waited for her reply checking my phone every two seconds.

After a wait of approximately seven minutes, I received a reply.

Wa'alykumu salaam. Long time"- S

Yeah, how are the wedding preparations?-A

"All good, Alhamdulillah"-S

"Masha Allah. Umm Can I ask you Something?"-A

"Sure, go ahead."

"Can we hang out today. If you're free and okay with it."

"Well, I have to give my mum a massage now. I'll be done before asr"

"Okay, is 5pm Okay?"

"Sure where?"

"Ernest pack?"

"Okay. See you then,"

"Bye beautiful."

What a relief. Just chatting with her gave me the best relief ever Oh Ya Allah. Bless me with a woman like her. So pure!

Sauf's POV.

I ran upstairs to go and ask mum about the caterers and Confirm if she was done with the booking.

After i was done with that and i
was about to leave, I then remembered that she and Dad wanted to tell me something the previous day so I decided to ask her about it.

"Erh...mum, yesterday, what were you going to tell me before Aunt Sara came?"

"Umm, we'll talk about that later, with your dad. Sara will be out so we'll discuss then, it's a close family matter."


"Are you going to pray?" She asked and I simply nodded.

"Okay, when you're done, please massage my head I'm having a slight headache," She said and I nodded like a lizard again. Yeah my mum isn't coldhearted she's just a woman that loves social life and status.
I went to my room to perform my dhuhr prayer as I was already 30 minutes late. After praying, I received a message from Ammar. What a surprise!

I've not seen or talked to him since our meeting with his cousin's family. I was glad to anyways. I realized, I was smiling throughout we were texting each other. He asked me to hang out with him at 5 and I was free.

I finished massaging mum's head and left to my bathroom to wash off the oil on my hand. After that, I realized it was four o'clock.

I should probably start getting ready. I thought.

I took a quick shower and performed asr prayer. I then went into my walk-in closet. I grabbed a burgundy coloured dress and a black veil. I went in front of the mirror and put on some kohl and lipstick. Why am I even dressing up so Well, it's just a casual outing. I threw my veil over my shoulder and grabbed my side bag.

I was lucky no one saw me leave. I reached for my car and zoomed off to Ernest pack. I immediately spotted Ammar sitted on one of the benches. I noticed how he quickly stood up to help a child that just fell. As if he was told I had arrived, we locked eyes with each other. We slowly started walking close to each other as if in the movies. My veil flew from my head due to the cool wind and landed on his face as he was just a few feets away. I quickly crossed my hands over my chest, looking away from his gorgeous eyes.

He walked faster and put the veil around my head. In a haste to adjust it myself, our hands intertwined. I kept staring at him into his gorgeous sky blue eyes. That was when I smelt him. He smelt of musk, camomile and cologne.

"Hey" he said, pushing the awkward silence aside.

"Hi" I answered with a shaky voice.

"Don't be nervous. It's okay. I don't see girls in that way."

And that was when I felt my heart speeding off about to explode from my chest. The respect I had for him just tripled into a gazillion more than how I respected him before.

Oh Allah! Am i...?

So guys, y'all probably thought I would reveal what her parents wanted to say to her right? But why don't we have some romantic scenes first eh?😉

I purposely didn't include a scene with Ammar's parents but guess what's awaiting you.

Come on find out in the next chapter. We're in for a mushy ride.
Be sure to
And share.


Sometime Back(Unedited version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora