Chapter 32

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Sara's Photo above 👆

This chapter is dedicated to @meryerm_yakasai. She has been really supportive.

A lot of you guys dm-ed me earlier today to write a chapter in Sara's POV so you could know why Sara isn't fully on Sauf's side. Well here it is and I hope you all like it.

Few more days to eid!!! Who's tailor has done iskanci for them???😂😂not mine...hehee

Sara's POV.
Five years! Five years ago! What can I say? Just wasteful. Absolutely wasteful. All this five to six years, I wouldn't say I've gone through torture but I'd been upset. I didn't live the life I wanted to live. I was locked in a room of helplessness and hopelessness. So sad.

It was decided, between me and Sauf that she would start her clothing line together and I'd assist her as her personal assistant. We started from scratch at home before it expanded and we moved to Central London, that was the heart of Business! Sauf was still the same as she was. She tried to forget Ammar but she couldn't and the more she saw and remembered how she used to see Ammar flexing his life with her college enemy, the more anger she felt. Which slowly turned to hatred.

"I can't believe This, Ammar and Basma? Really?! I won't let you rest." She'd said back then.

She hated Ammar so much she could go out there, find him and strangle him to death. She began to change Into something completely different, into the completely opposite of what she really was.

"You've changed so much Sauf," I once told her.

"Times have changed. So have I," she replied.

Before, she turned into her opposite self completely, I tried my absolute best to make her see things, exactly how they were and not change herself just because Ammar had changed. Unfortunately, all my hard work went in vain.

I attempted to leave her and quit the job of her PA because of how bossy and coldhearted she had become. When I approached her with my wish, she threatened to stop paying my younger sister, Safaa's school fees.   (She lived with me and Sauf in central London). Though i knew she only wanted me to stay because i had helped her a lot and without me, her business would flop miserably. I still  decided, I would quit, regardless of her threat. I would sustain myself and my sister with the little I had saved. But then I thought, Sauf has just changed and being the only family she has at the moment, I should help her back on the right path and not run away and leave her to suffer later.

I bore every single day with bossy  Sauf silently. I could only plaster a fake happy face and pretend I supported her. She went to the extent of changing her name and identity all in the name of new life, and revenge. She hang out with all sorts of girls but few things she never did were:

Talk and meet boys limitlessly
Stay out late
Wear improper clothes
Stopped praying
Stopped fasting.

Basically she didn't stray that much. I was happy she at least continued saying her prayers and fasting and doing some of the few basic things in our deen.

The only problem was, she thought and still thinks she hates Ammar for what he did. Little does she know that it is the love that she has for him that is making her angry at him for hurting her. But she used the assumed hatred to cover her hurt and anger which wasn't helping one little bit. She just keeps lying to herself and she needs to face the real world, face reality and accept everything. She should have at least given Ammar a chance to explain. We should never judge a book by its cover.

Speaking of Ammar, when he came to seek for a job, drama rose to it's highest peak. From the way I had seen him, I knew something bad had happened in his life but didn't know what.

I think, Sauf knew I didn't like what she was doing at all and warned me never to speak to Ammar. I had to obey. No choice. If I had reacted, it'd  have fuelled her to go astray more.

I wanted to speak to Ammar so badly but never found the opportunity.

All part of her plan, she is dating Amir just to make Ammar jealous and suffer like her. It's even Amir's bad that he doesn't know her plan and he thinks she loves him. She is just being a coward, in my own part. After she told me what she had planned, I thought, it's high time Sauf knows what she's doing is wrong and face reality.

Fortunate enough, I met Fahd the other day and told him about her plan. Though i didn't get to tell him everything from 5 years back.
Few days ago, Fahd had called me to talk about what we had to do to set her right. The only problem is no matter what we do, Amir is surely going to be heartbroken. But that can't be avoided.

Luckily, I got to meet Ammar after our meeting with him, Fahd and his sister. He told me every single bit of everything that happened back then. I felt pity for him. But I felt more pity for Sauf. Taking revenge on someone who loves her. Little does she know, she's letting a her slip from her fingers.

Ya Allah! Set her back on the right path. We'll do what we can and leave the rest you. In shaa Allah.


I changed into my pyjamas and strolled sluggishly to Sauf's room, down the hallway to give her the files from today's meeting. As I turned the knob and stepped in, I met her speaking on the phone with someone. I decided to sit on the sofa and wait till she's done. Few minutes passed by and she was done.

"What happened?" She asked, standing up from her bed and coming towards me.

"Here are the files for today's meeting," I handed them to her. "By the way who were you talking to? You sounded serious. Work related?" I asked curiously.

She walked back to her bed and sat down.

"It was Basma," she replied as she pulled the covers.

"Basma? I thought you never got along," I questioned. I was quite startled.

"That was then but...,"

Okay I'm not liking what I just read. Hey *ahem ahem* guys. How're you all doing? Ramadan is already coming to an end. May we live to see many more of the blessed month. AAMEEN.

Why the heck is Sauf talking to Basma now? Any ideas.

Hehe...told you 'twas a bumpy ride.
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Love, Asmaa❤ ❤

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