Chapter 17

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Sauf's POV.

Innalillahi Wa'inna ilayhi raji'un

The whole world was spinning, I didn't even know what I was thinking about. I couldn't hear a single sound. Everything was just standstill just like me. I couldn't come to terms with what I just heard.
Dad's words were still echoing in my ears.

Sometime back 15years ago...(see where the book got its name from?😉)

As I made my way to the bedroom, I shot the door and slowly slid down the door crying. I touched my already protruding tummy, it made me cry more. How could my parents do this to me? How can they exchange me with £10000? How could they marry me off at 8?

What has happened to my life? What will become of me and Ammar, I've just found the love of my life and I am carrying that symbol of love but they decided to ruin my life in this way. I will never in my life be able to forgive them. They have toyed with my life and played with my emotions.

And I will never go to that son of a beast called Rayyan. Urgh. La'ilaha illalahu Muhammad Rasulullahi Sallah Allahu alayhi wa salaam.

What do I do? What if Rayyan forcefully takes me? Ammar...Ammar *cries and more cries* I buried my head in my encircled arms that were resting on my knees.

Third Person's POV.

Soha was leaning on a wall, crying the pain out of her. She wanted to tell her daughter everything but couldn't muster the courage. Mona was busy consoling her and caressing her.

"Mom please stop it. What you should have done was tell her the truth. You didnt evn tell me or Kamal atleast, but it is said that you plan and Allah plans, he is indeed the best of planners," Mona said as she also bursted into tears. Her husband, Ahmed took her away and hugged her trying to console her.

Walid was also sitting on a plastic chair, sobbing. Everyone was as gloomy as ever. No one had the strength to utter another word. In no time, the guests had left.

Rayyan and his family were busy enjoying all the delicacies as they kept singing and taunting the family. Ammar got up to fight him but his father stopped him.

"Ammar, come with us let's go home, this place isn't for us," his father said.


"Yes Ammar, what sort of a family will marry their daughter off at the age of 8 just for £10000 and to rebuild a business. Even Allah SWT will not forgive such a person. Don't you agree Hannah?"

"You're right, let's leave!"

Ammar ran inside the house and went straight to their room, refusing to go with his parents. He kept banging the door but there was no answer. He searched for her around the house but couldn't find her anywhere. He asked one of the hired helpers and he said he had seen her going towards the gate.

Ammar's POV.

As I was going out to find Sauf, I received a call.

"Is this Ammar Abdullah?" The voice came.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Your wife has had an accident and is in City Hospital. Come right now,"

"I'll be there."

I summoned all the family members to come with. My angry parents had gone Back home stating clearly that they wanted nothing to do with he Walid family.

We got to the hospital in no time. We were told she was in the operation theatre as she had sustained a lot of injuries. I sat in the waiting room crying my heart out.

I can't afford to lose Sauf, I can't let her belong to anybody, especially not Rayyan. He'll make her life a living hell...and my baby!

The mere thought made me cry more and more. I couldn't control myself. I walked back to the others and immediately, the doctor came out.

"Doctor, doctor! How is Sauf?" I asked, blocking his way.

"Mr. Ammar, if I'm not wrong, your baby is luckily fine, and your wife is also fine but she needs all the rest she can get. No stress at all. You can get her tomorrow morning. She will have to stay here for the night,"

"Thank you doctor.'' I patted him on his shoulders.

I turned to everyone as they were all looking happy and pale all at once. We all went outside to discuss.

"Ammar son, I'm really son that I did this to both you and Sauf.  I had no intention of hurting anybody. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me," Dad(Sauf's dad) was folding his hands.

"No please! You shouldn't fold your hands this way, you made a mistake and you're sorry. It's okay."

"Thank you son!"

"It's okay. You all should go home, I'll go stay with Sauf. She'll need me. Mom and Dad, I think both of you shouldn't see Sauf for at least the next few weeks. So she doesn't get stressed out."

"Nm you're right," Dad said. He motioned for the rest to leave.

Immediately after they left, someone held my shoulder and I turned, startled.


"Yes me. You don't have the right to stay with Sauf, only me!" Rayyan growled  pointing at himself. "If you refuse to obey me, the cops will take you because you're depriving a husband to see his real wife," He was laughing wickedly.

At that moment I knew I couldn't do anything. It was no use fighting him, if not he'd involve the police and that would make everything more complicated.

"Listen please Rayyan, please let me stay with Sauf at least let her get better. I beg of you Please! After she's better we can find a solution to this problem."

"There's already a solution. You will have to divorce her even though your marriage isn't valid and leave her that's it."

"Please Rayyan. Don't do this. I beg You

"You know I don't like it when people beg me this way. Okay you can stay with her until she gets better. And I'll bring you some new divorce papers, in case you lost those ones i gave you back then."

I just nodded and went back to meet my wife. I entered the room slowly. She looked so pale and tired. I couldn't help myself, I had to let the tears.
I held her hand in mine and shifted the strands of hair on her face. I slowly kissed her forehead and she woke up immediately.

"Ammar, you won't let Rayyan take me will You?" Those were her first words. "I know you won't! Please don't leave me. I can't go to Rayyan, I feel like an object who has just been used wallah" she was about to cry.

"No No! I won't Sauf. Don't cry please and forget everything that happened. Just get well soon please."

She nodded. She carressed her tummy and she was obviously happy our baby was still alive.
We talked for a while and finally, I saw a smile on her face.

Tadah!!!! Asslamu Alaykum Everyone, hope you're having a great Ramadan. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so glad Sauf didn't lose her baby.

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