Broken(edited )

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This part is edited



              I lost the trail of her wonder smell in front of the small house.

So this is where she lives - ace chimed in.

Come on lazy butt ring the damm bell,  I need to have a good look of my mate.

I roll my eyes at his demands but I myself was getting impatient here,  especially after seeing her cry like that.

I rang the bell,  once,  twice,  thrice. No reply.

I then knocked,  still no reply.

But I'm pretty sure I saw her run in through. My anger was getting better of me when Ace, suddenly took over my control and broke the fucking door.

This is how it's done asshole

Some wolf I've got.

I rushed in,  I know I'm breaking privacy and her parents will definitely hate me for this and won't let me marry their daughter but still the need to see her is over anything.

I rush upstairs when I done seen her below and I open the first door and immediately my nostrils are hit by the metallic smell of blood.

" Mine "

Ace growls in my head.  In Front of me was the only sole purpose of life.  The girl I need to treat like a fucking Queen,  a girl I'm fated to love for my lifetime, a girl I don't know anything about but I'm already hearing the shattering of my heart by seeing her coated in red.

Her body was drenched with red. I immediately mindlinked Austin our pack doctor to get his ass here and then rush over my princess.

I carefully pick her up and put in bed. A hair falls on her eyes,  the state she is in makes me wonder how fucking broken she is?

What made her do this?
Who's the cause of this?

I don't know her but I'm already in love with her like a lovesick puppy. Issac would've made fun of me so bad. The mere thought of loosing this angel just I lost my twin made my face distraught.

She the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

I'm interrupted by a footsteps of the new male in the room and my possesive stance come in when I see my mates clothes are almost torn because of the cuts. I growl as he steps forward. He raise his hand and bows his head in submission.

" I need to touch her in order to heal her. " I growl when I understand his words make sense but still I stayed beside my mate as Austin examined her.

He bandaged her wounds after cleaning and injected something and then he was done.

Without a word I motioned him to leave. I cleaned the place up,  putting the red clothes to washing and changing her clothes as well.  I kept my eyes away,  I'd never see her without her wishes.

I wanted to sleep beside her when Ryder mindlinked me saying that he found some rouges sniffing around.

Time for some action. Kissing her forehead I left, not before telling my member to fix the door.

Ava's pov:
                   I was groaning loudly as my head ached. The lights illuminated in the room making it hard for me to open my damm eyes.  But I do as soon as the events of pass day comes rushing off.  I sat alarmed at the events,  looking down seeing my hands and cuts in wraps of bandage. Looking around I see my room cleaned and clothes changed.

       AVA (under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now