20. Jealous Aarzoo

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Aarzoo's pov:

I wanted to sit with Arham but he told me to sit with Zara otherwise she will feel alone. He sat with Yazan. I was just looking at him who was sleeping peacefully leaning on window. Arham doesn't like travelling but today he didn't create a fuss and agreed easily. When he said,"It's my choice." I was on cloud nine. My Arham. How I wish I was beside him and would have slept leaning on his shoulder..tangling our hands. Inhaling his scent..hmm I guess I have to sleep alone now. I slowly fell asleep with this thoughts.

Arham woke both of us when we reached the location. It was beautiful resort close to forest..greenery, mountains..fresh air..Awesome feeling..

When we got to the reception. Saleekh brought the keys and said,"Two people will stay in one room."

He gave one to Shahyan and Asmara,Aliza and Yarah, Ruhaan and Adira.

Then he went to Arham and gave two keys and said,"This two rooms for you and your wives. It's your choice how you want to share. I have asked them to place two baby cots in each room."

Arham nodded and took the keys.

He said,"Me and Yazaan going to share the room. So guys go to your respective rooms and will meet tomorrow at 10.00 AM here and we will go to explore the place till then good night. I am very tired"

Everyone said,"good night" and dispersed to their rooms

Only me,Arham and Zara are left. Please Arham say that we are staying in one room. Please Zara had you for 2 years but I just got you Please.

Arham said,"You both take one room. I will take the other. Call me if you need anything. Come I will take you to your room"

Zara said,"Okay."

But I was disappointed. At least he is not staying with Zara.

Once we reached our room Arham left to his. His room is beside our room.

Zara said,"I am feeling very tired from all this journey. We should have taken flight but I don't know why papa arranged bus."

I said,"May be he wanted us to have fun while travelling but sadly we just got bored to death."

She smiled and said,"May be.."

She sat beside me and Ruhaani was sitting in her lap playing with her toy. Yahya was sleeping in baby cot.

She said,"How old is Yahya..?"

I said,"16 months and will be of 17 months in a week."

She said,"He is month younger than Ruhaani."

We heard a knock on door and I went to open it. I smiled seeing Arham standing infront of me.

He smiled back and came inside.

He said,"Zara I want to talk to you. Please come with me." Then he looked at me and said,"Please would you look after Ruhaani?"

I nodded but tears threatened to spill out of my eyes but I controlled myself. he side hugged me, kissed my forehead and said," She will be back soon."

With this they left and I let my tears to fall. Why he asked her come with him not me?

Ruhaani is too active playing and not ready to sleep but I just want to sleep so that my pain will be forgotten for a while.

I was in my thoughts when Ruhaan called me. He said,"Aarzoo where are you?"

I was like what? Where I will be?

I said,"I am in my room."

He said,"With whom?"

He is rubbing salt on my wound.

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