6. Who is at fault?

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Zara's pov:

She has not forgiven me. I thought after 2 years she might have moved on but I was wrong. She was not like this before. She was blunt and honest but never she was rude. I made her like this. I am feeling very guilty today the way she talked to me it was very clear that she hates me and may be she hates Arham as well. I did what I thought right that time.. I was just thinking about my baby. I wanted to give my baby a secure life. It's all fault of Ruhaan. I hate him why he left me? I trusted him. I trusted him and gave myself to him. If he was planning to leave me then why he took that step with me.

I hate him but still I want to know about him. How is he? Where is he? Why he left? I want answers but I got none. I hate him so much but still I named my daughter on his name. Ruhaani. How much ever I try to accept that she is mine and Arham's daughter but I can't she will always be Ruhaan's daughter for me.

I just wish everything go back to the time when we were teenagers. I can't see hatred in the eyes of Aarzoo. She is hurt because of me.

I heard the door click and Arham entered the room.

I said,"you talked with her? What she said?"

He sighed and sat beside me.

He said,"you cried again. How many times should I tell you it's not your fault Zara. Look at Ruhaani. You did this for her,right? Do you still regret it?"

I shook my head in no then in yes.

I don't know. I cupped my face in my hands.

I said,"I don't know Arham. When I look at Ruhaani I feel like I did the right thing but when I look at Aarzoo and hatred and betrayal in her eyes I feel guilty for snatching you from her. I don't know what to feel anymore. I just want her to be happy. I can't see her like this. She is not our Aarzoo."

Arham looked lost.

I said,"What are you thinking?"

He just shook his head.

I said,"Are you..I mean.."

He looked at me and said,"What you want to ask?"

I asked ,"Are you the father of Yahya?"

He looked shocked.

He said,"Why do you think so?"

I said,"everyone thinks he is adopted but I saw slight very slight features of Aarzoo in him. If you look closely then you can see. So I was-"

He stiffened and said,"No..we never had such relationship. Do you really think if that sort of something would have happened between us then I will leave her just like that .Never. Not everyone is like Ruh-"

His eyes widened and said,"Sorry Zara I didn't mean to say. I am sorry."

I said,"it's okay. It's not your fault."

Tears started forming in my eyes.

Arham took me in his arms and said,"shhh..don't cry. It's not your fault either. You just loved him and trusted him. You are not at fault Zara."

I said,"Should I tell Aarzoo the reason why I married you? May be that will make her feel better."

Arham said,"No..we are never revealing this to anyone. You know Aarzoo, Zara. She can't hide anything from Maan papa. If Maan papa knows about this then he will be very hurt. Now everyone is happy that we are together but if they know about Ruhaani. They will see our marriage in New light like a compromise and they will always be suspicious about our happiness and guilty that they ruined our lives. I don't want that. So don't tell anyone anything."

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