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Damn you Winston, why do you have to do that?

The world outside of the car is all blended together as we drive. The car is almost silent, only the sounds of the car to keep us aware.

"I have a question for you," Dallas suddenly says.


"Why were you and that guy fighting?" He glances at me and I shrug.

"We had a small disagreement and he got in my face. I told him to back off and he did it again. I pushed him away then stood up. He lunged at me and then bam, we were wrestling on the ground."

"Oh, was he drunk?"

"He was hammered," I laugh.

"I don't even have to ask about you because you're always drunk or have some type of alcohol in your system," he shakes his head and I frown.

"I don't always have alcohol in my system."

"Name one time where you weren't drunk," he tests.

"That one time when... when... okay just because I can't remember a time when I wasn't drunk, doesn't mean I'm always drunk," I smile as I speak knowing I have daily packs of beer.

"Sure Two, sure," he chuckles.


We park on the side of the street in front of the Curtis' house.

I open the door, my body feeling better to walk on its own.

"Need help?" Dallas comes over to my side and I shake my head.

"I'm fine," I say and walk beside him up the steps.

My head starts pounding but I brush it off when Dallas gives me a worried look.

"I'm fine, not like I'm gonna pass out or anything," he gives me a skeptical look and walks inside after me.

The screen door slams shut and that's enough to make me bite my tongue in pain from the loud noise. I swallow the groans of pain in my throat and walk on, sitting on the couch.

I breathe in shorts breaths, keeping my eyes fixated on the television playing in front of me.

"Hey," Dallas puts hand on my shoulder and I look up at him.

"You look a little pale, you feeling alright? Your head bothering you?" He asks.

"Just hurts a bit and I'm a little dizzy," I really.

"Do you want some medicine?"

I shake my head,"no it's fine, it'll go away soon."

"Do you want some lunch? A sandwich? Soda sent me in here to ask."

"Yeah, sure, sounds good," I smile and look into his eyes.

The world seemed to slow and all I could see was his blazing blue eyes staring into my own. My breath catches in my throat and I feel my heart ache.

"O-okay, I'll g-go tell him then," he speed walks away and I'm really sure that I seen a faint blush on his cheeks.

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