Short Glimpse

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"Hinata!" Sakura called the Hyuuga heiress when she and her team found her.

Looking back, Hinata stopped on a branch. She said, "Sakura-san, Sir Kakashi, Sasuke-kun, and Obito-san."

"What's the status?" asked Kakashi as he too along with his comrades stopped on their tree branch.

Hinata shook her head. "We found nothing. We lost track of his trail when we got here though we're still looking for him, and so we decided to split up in order to cover more areas. We have one of Shino-kun's bugs, so if either one of us found him we can inform everyone else."

"Good. Keep it up, Hinata."

"T-thank you, Sir Kakashi."

"Hn. Now let's go-"

"Wait." Obito cut the Elite off as he spoke in a low urgent voice, halting Kakashi as he looked to their ten o'clock direction with his Sharingan blazing in life.

"What is it?" asked Kakashi in which Hinata took the liberty to answer when she noticed Obito won't as he was too focused in glaring to the direction they all now were looking at.

Hinata said, "It's the culprit! He has Naruto on his back and they're moving fast!"

"How far are they?" asked Kakashi in general.

"Two hundred meters and is going farther twenty five meters per half a minute." Sasuke replied, his Rinnegan and Sharingan both active.

"That fast? Oh well." Kakashi's surprised look morphed into seriousness as he spoke. "Sakura, get ready for possible injuries and check Naruto."

"Understood, Sir Kakashi." Sakura replied with such defiance in her eyes.

"Let's go." Obito commanded, earning a chorus of 'Right!' from everyone and sent off in pursuit while Shino's bug flew out of Hinata's colar and away to where its Master was and report.


"Kit! Hey, kit! Wake up!" Kurama yelled in Naruto's subconscious dimention, but the boy did not budge in his sleep. Soon, Gyuki the Eight-Tailed Octopus-Ox joined him in waking Naruto.

"He's a heavy sleeper." Gyuki commented.

"Hn. I wonder how this brat survived all of his missions without being killed in his sleep."


"Yeah. Anyway, let's cut this crap up and wake him up in 3, 2,..."

"WAKE UP! NARUTO!" the two Tailed Beasts screamed in unison and Naruto bolted up.

"What the hell!? Kurama! Gyuki!" Naruto, in his shared dimension, glared at the Tailed Beast.

"About time you come around, kit." said Kurama.

Naruto noted the lack of Kurama's sarcasm and insults and so he asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Yes." said Gyuki. "You're in danger. You need to wake up."

"I'm awake now. No thanks to you two."

"Idiot." Kurama growled. "Your body was stolen. One of us could've taken over your body, but unfortunately it's not possible unless you are in your body and allow us."

"So, what shall I do? It's not like I know a way to get back to my body, y'know."

"Try to feel your chakra in your body and make that as an anchor to reach us here and wake up!"

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