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We were connected, you see, like two rivers by a stream. 

Like a tightrope you walked, pulled taut.

I never expected her to flow into me like she did, but she did. 

I took the good, the life, the love, the never ending trickle of energy from her. 

But I also received the bad, the darkness, the pain and the anger that consumed her. 

I got it all, until she was but a seashell that washed up on shore, and I was a rock at the botton of the ocean, weighed down by the dark matter.

I drowned, she floated. 

Neither of us got away scott-free, we just gained parts of each other we wished we never saw.



I know, I know... I never do an author's note. However, this is important. 

Once I hit the "100 parts" mark on this work, it will be the end. If you would like a volume 2, please comment as much as you can on this work, more comments will give me a better idea of who would like more. 

Thank You! 

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