Soulless Mate | Dystopian

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A dystopian fiction inspired by a Tumblr user's post, that remained in the deepest plantations of my cerebral cortex, a place that I have never dared to venture before. Until now.

The Plant, as many of inhabitants called it, had existed for centuries now; Though no one knew how it came to be.

Every excavation to dig at The Plant's roots, every sampling, had lead to nothing. An excavation site would be filled up instantly, like a strange sort of quicksand. A sample would crumble to dust the very minute it was taken, but children could pluck flowers and leaves for play. Now, why was that so?

A question for which, no one had the answer to.

When Orio Matthers turned the ripe age of 18, she waited, excitedly, for her soulmate. But no one came. No one claimed her, no one bothered to even spare a glance in her direction. Having given up on awaiting her never-to-be soulmate, she settled down by herself with nothing but a few good friends who lived near her, for company.

Every wight had a soulmate, and every wight would find their soulmate after the age of 18. Otherwise, they stopped ageing, damned to live forever until they met their soulmate, a far fetched notion which many people did not understand.

Why did the wights have soulmates? A soulmate that would eventually cause you to age, and pass. Right when you had found the love of your life.

There were many cruel people whom Orio did not understand. But she had heard of them, many people have.

They were called Entities. Killing their soulmates so they would live forever, and every time another soulmate was born for them, they would kill again.

The most famous Entity, was Tristan Mauliers. He was said to be thousands of years old, having survived by killing each and every one of his soulmates.

When their paths clash violently, struggles and secrets arise, questions are being raised. And amidst all of this, no one realises that Orio and Tristan are slowly ageing...

Story Plot Ideas |  [Vol. 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz