Chapter 9.1: The fall and Rise of Phoenix

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{I seems like every hero and every villain has a story.... but nobody can get over the fact that everyone loves the stories of a man who lost everything in his life.....}

[In the Underworld Realm there was a planet known as Angellon where Angels were born and raised as peaceful beings as there job is to keep peace in the universe and stop any major threats that come to the human realm or Underworld realm.....there are two types of angels.... there are the holy angels with white wings willing to do their best as God protects them as their universal guide..... and then there are the fallen angels who beat to their own drum so to speak and would help if they want to, kill if they want too, and most importantly pray if they want to......One Fallen angel was born Fallen..... His mother was ordered to kill her new born baby by son rise as she ran away during the night, I knowing that there was an invasion happening. The Krads were hybrid space demons who were at war with angels for centuries as Angelico was the strongest angel who had earned the honor of Goddess but the angels ran her off..... they were defenseless not knowing that this is going to happen and even the fallen angels were being attacked.*

*The Krads roaring like jackals in the night as it had been years since Krads took over Angellon had sent her son the human realm*

"Big Momma come in big john Over"

Big Momma : this is big Momma here in the middle of a dark and stormy night kind of routes right now on my way back home over.

"here you loud and clear as hope you make it back safe."

Big Momma: Understand over and-

*As she was about to say over and out she could see a light in the middle of a storm as she stopped when she heard a baby crying and she got out of the truck to see a baby in a blanket as she picked the baby up and took it home with her*

{Unknown to her that, this child would be a blessing or a curse as it showed when She got married to a man she met. The man did not treat any of her children like his own or even treated her children kindly or respect fully.}

7 year old Phoenix: Ahhhh!!! I hate you!! I hate you god! I hate you for putting me through this!!!!!

*He went through hell and even one day to see one of his own sisters be raped by this man who calls himself a father....and Phoenix revealed he was a fallen angel as he beat up his step father  to the point where if you ran away. But  one night when Phoenix was 9 and his mom told him not to get involved anymore he couldn't help but try to protect her as it was just the trap.... his step father and his father's got phoenix pinned to the table as they cut his black wings off piece by piece.....slowly.... and very painfully.....that very year his step father was in the hospital and Phoenix went to his step father's room and looked him in the eyes unable to move from being paralyzed after falling down the stairs when he was sick.*

*Phoenix looked at all the blades then at his step father and closed the door locking it*

Phoenix: you know something.... I don't understand why every time I pray for you and Mom it's only you......just you have to be the biggest ass of a Dad in the entire barely feed your own kids and you try to act like you're the big man on raped my beat me and my brothers up like we were your age......

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