Chapter 2.1: Jikko Vs. Pac-man

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My peak? Would I even have one? I hardly had had anything you could call a life. A few ripples. some rises and falls. But that's it. Almost nothing. Nothing born of nothing. I'd loved and been loved, but I had nothing to show. It was a singularly plain, featureless landscape. I felt like I was in a video game. A surrogate Pacman, crunching blindly through a labyrinth of dotted lines. The only certainty was my death.

Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance (The Rat, #4)

I didn't know what was going on as I woke up and I realized that I was a ghost wondering where am I and the place around me look so..... Familiar and nostalgic.....
"Where am I as my arms feel like wind and my legs feel like I'm hovering.... And there are dots all around me..... Am I in-"
*The Pac-Man game starts at level 1*
*Then out of nowhere as I was looking around came that yellow eating machine Pac-Man himself.*
"Oh my Ghost it's Pac-Man!!!"
*I started running away from Pac-Man but then I started realizing that he wasn't trying to hit me but he was trying to eat up all of the pellets to get points.*
"Wait a minute I almost forgot Pac-Man and can't eat ghost unless they are blue from eating a cherry....Pac-man You're Never Ending Story ass is mine!!!"
*As soon as I started running after him he finally got his mouth onto a cherry and I turned blue.*
"Uh oh..."
*Pac-Man quickly turned around with angry eyes, I slowly started to step back as Pac-Man started to get closer*
"Hold on Pac-Man I was just kidding about the never ending thing, Let's talk about this.."
*I started running away as fast as I could to get away from Pac-Man as he was on my tail and no matter how many times I hid behind the corner he would find me. I even try to hide in that box but the door wouldn't open and when I thought that my Goose was cooked the Cherry had worn off, as Pac-Man looks scared and ran off. As my eye glowed beat red.*
"Big mistake Pac-Man!"
*The screen turn black but when the screen turned back on the Cherry had reappeared and it's Pac-Man started to eat the pellets like usual but the more the pellets that Pac-Man was eaten the more his color started to change from yellow to Green as I was just standing there then when Pac-Man finally got the Cherry he ran after me....... but when he was just one move away......... Pac-Man started to choke and then I screw a wicked grin upon my face like a crescent moon.*
"You foolish yellow blob of pellets, you tried to eat me and now look at you! And you know what you were eating just now? You were eating Dog Pellets! And you you know what is worse than the fact that you have just eaten dog pellets that is probably in your system right now? That cherry isn't the Cherry that you were supposed to eat..... I planted that cherry there and poisoned it so Pac-Man when you go to Game hell.... Say hi to frogger for me.
(And translation Pac man said "Fuck you")
*Pac man Started throwing up all the pellets from so many years with his guts as the game glitches and I laughed as I eat the trail of PAC-man guts then finally ripped PacMan in two!!! All there was left of Pac-Man was his two pieces of his body and his heart which I grabbed.*

{ThE GaMe EnD WiTh Me As ThE WiNnEr}

*I woke up in a trashy hotel room looking around*
"It was just a dream.... I got to really stop playing video games before going on a eating spree..... tomorrow I'm gonna go on a diet...."
*As I go to sleep with a dead body on the ground, the ghost in PacMan come back from their vacation.*
Blinky: Oh man that was fun as I really thing we needed that.
Pinky: I can vouch for that.
Clyde: Guys?
Inky: Too bad that our vacation is over.
Clyde: Guys?
Blinky: Come on Inky, We all have a hard job to do and for years we've made it this far plus made it possible for videos everywhere.
Inky: Good point-
Clyde: GUYS!!!
Blinky, Inky, Pinky: What!?
*They find the game glitching with Pac-Man ripped in half and blood all over the maze.

Pinky: What the Fu-

To Be Continued•••••••••

(I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction as I will be making more from time to time so keep on reading.)

Dead instinctsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora