Chapter 4.2: Jikko's owner (Almost)

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*the agency wanted to give Jikko, a owner from having him getting arrested again*

Jikko: trust me it's not going to work out as no one can handle me or be able to understand me enough to keep me.

*a female owner as she seemed like a always happy-go-lucky woman on the outside but on the inside she is a hopeless romantic that's looking to take away the loneliness. I smiled kindly as I walked in as it only took one day for her to send me back crying on the ground and me lifting up my pants*

Jikko: next

*The next person was a doctor who studied on the human body but I could never fully Master the concept of reincarnation or healing as all he can really do is dissecting and patching up ones. So once again I was sent to someone and they sent me back but this time because of the fact that I was able to restart the patient's heart and Patch them up better than he could.*

Jikko: pompous p••••

*The agency even sent me to a woman who would draw manga, but sadly me and her didn't talk much and for an entire few days I stayed to watch her right manga from morning, noon and night until the last day where she was sent to the hospital for overexerting yourself and not sleeping. So I was sent back to the agency once more feeling like there was no other person to take care of me. They tried a housewife that was a terrible mother, they tried a party girl that had a drinking problem, they trade a yandere woman as that was just a huge situation in of itself that nearly got me and her killed. I decide to give up altogether and just run away.*

Jikko: okay screw this as I'm tired of these owners that can do their own jobs right and asking for someone to help them fail. Sorry but I'm not like the other monsters that fear this association. Like it or not I am going to continue doing what I got to do and that does not include this agency.

*I wrote off in my car and got away before they could even know where I was going.*

(To Be Continued)

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