Chapter 9: The Fallen

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I have been off the radar for 3 months, I was working as a bartender for misunderstood murderers that have been either on the Run or just got out of prison.. including monsters that have self control and willing to come to terms with what they have done.. As I was just doing the regular part-time work:
•making people drinks
•waiting Tables by myself

My boss wasn't there since it was Super Bowl even though there was zombies.

Announcer Todd:
Greetings everyone and welcome to the annual Super Bowl as I am Todd Grant welcoming you to this terrific occasion.

Announcer Stan:
I can't really say the same for you Todd as it seems like we are just coming here for the slaughter, nobody is asking that question about the fact that we could get the disease anytime now as I'm not the only one that has not been seeing zombies.

Announcer Stan was taken away first saying zombies on the air, announcer Todd try to tell the game but when it was all tied up a zombie appeared on the field as one of the members of the opposing team head turned after getting the zombie virus.

When the member started chewing  one of his teammates is starting to getting really violent quickly as everyone try to escape while stepping on each other to get out of the way and get through as many were falling and dying fast and quick....

The TV went to standby as I watched the entire thing with everybody in the bar....... But then she walked in.

A woman wearing all red dress, her eyes were blue like the ocean, her lips were as Pink as cotton candy, her hair was blonde and Long, with a body that would give Marilyn Monroe a run for her money.

Many of the guys just let her come in as something about her gave chills down my spine, I ended up giving her a drink on the house. She drink her bloody mary slow and carefully. She looked a bit tipsy, so I decided to take her home but as we were driving in a rental VMW, I start to realize that this was all just a trap, she tried to take out her gun.... Me and her started fighting in the car with hand to hand combat even to the point where we ended up crashing as we both got out before it could crash into the boulder ant in the car exploded because she had also a bomb.

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