Chapter 8.1: Creepypasta version 1 - The Begining

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When I was a little kid, all I could ask myself is why? Why was the sky blue?
Why on fog days you could barely see where you're going?
And why wasn't my father with me through this time of crisis?
Many have seen the pain that I have been going through ever since I was a child as adults would see what my mom was putting me through and what her boyfriend was putting me through....but decided to look away since I wasn't theirs.
When I was just a small child I stayed with my mom and her boyfriend that would drink and smoke most of the time..... When they got into fights and she would feel hurt she would take out her frustrations on the only thing that had a heartbeat..... Me...... She would verbally abused me and hit me and even say things like:
"Why didn't I leave you on somebody else's doorstep or put you up for adoption?"
Those words ring through my head like a bell with all the questions that I had to ask myself through years and years of no answer.....
My mom's boyfriend gave her a son and then the next boyfriend after that gave her a daughter as I was left to look at the cycle where my mom turned into her first boyfriend wondering when I would get out of this nightmare my mom put me into.

When it came to school I would go from different schools all the time and either take out my frustrations out on others or I would get myself into trouble so I maybe able to see my dad who lives so far away.
From working at a store and witnessing live sheep being cut up, to being mistreated and treated as if I was a slave in my own home.
It didn't matter where me or my brother or my sister went as my mom made it clear to all of us that the only one she cares about is her.... She was her own child since she had me at the age of 18 and her mind stayed at that age no matter how old she got.
Everything was hers in her mind when it came to any money that we wanted to earn, anything that we wanted to gain for ourselves.
She would even be a natural born liar, she would lie to get a house and even start lying to get out of debt.
But with every year that passed, something in me changed and my mind would twist and turn as if it was a headache. It felt like every single time I was whipped by her somebody was crying out for me to stand up and take care of her once and for.

I held back my feelings and my hatred, I tried my best to stay away from that voice.

As the stress got more and more severe with every single year to the point where I didn't know what was happening to me, the first time I knew that something was wrong with me. When I had enough of everything was when my mom sent me and my brother to summer camp and when I was playing racquetball with a few kids...... Things took a turn for the worst as I kept trying to catch the ball but since I was short for my age they pushed me every single time I tried my best..... But it's when they had enough of me trying as they thought of me as a loser and a failure in the first place so they decided to try and have one of their people jump me. When the they tried to jump me I hit one of their people with one of the racquetball sticks.... I kept hitting him for a whole minute and kept on hitting him until he would not get up anymore and I threatened anyone who is going to try and hit me.... The boy try to get up again and try to fight back but he got knocked down and beaten down until he was not able to get up ever again..... The counselors dragged me away and told me that I am not going to be allowed to come back. The boys back was bleeding as if he had been whipped. I had a wicked smile on my face has my brother wondered what was wrong with me and everybody else was disgusted by the fact that I was here.
When I got home my mom beat me severely and told me that what I did was unacceptable and decided to take me somewhere.. but when she went to hit me one more time I caught her arm and printer to the wall with sheer quickest..... She decided to send me to an insane asylum for three years until I clean up my Act..... she had even told everybody that I had at attacked her and I was out of my mind......
When I was sent to the insane asylum, I was strapped to a table with my mom not knowing what she has done..

She had sent me to hell without even knowing but this was the last time she would ever see me the same again.
These doctors were ordinary doctors as they were once plastic surgeons and also had a fetish for "fixing" their patients.... They were sent to the sane Asylum because they were known to get violent...
So they saw me as the perfect subject since the fact that my mom gave them full control of what they need to do to fix me, and so they did as they would to any other patient, they numbed my body from head to toe so I wouldn't be able to feel a thing when they would operate.
They would stitch up my body with different skin colors after cutting off pieces of my skin from my fingers, to my face, to my toes, to even my torso and lower half.
But we're really ticked me off is the fact that they forced me to watch everything that they did to me and even at times they would not even know my body.
They love to hear me scream while the opera music would be on so no one could hear me scream in torment..... They would always put a gag mask over my mouth so I wouldn't be able to swear or curse.
Every time they heard me curse they would take off one of my fingernails or they would cut off one of my toes or fingers then sew it back on.
3 years later my Mom finally decided to get me laughter my brother was worried as he was not able to see me for those 3 years.

Dead instinctsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें