Chapter Twenty Nine- Briefing Calu and A BBQ

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"I met my mom." Calu's jaw dropped.

"But she's dead Butterfly. And you were sleeping." Calu said while checking my eyes.

I swatted his hands away. "She's the Faerie Of The Moon. Daughter of the Moon Goddess." Calu went pale. "I have the same powers as my mom because technically I don't have a dad."

"Ashlyn, it's impossible to not have a biological father." Calu said trying to explain.

"Calu! I know. But I was a blessing to my mother by her mother." Calu paled even further. "So, I'm like one part Mom, one part Nani and completely me." Calu laughed.

"So what else will change our lives?" Calu asked.

"There is a war in the near future between us, my old pack the Rockies and the vampires." Calu went into Alpha mode at my words. "I know who we can ally with and I know what will happen if we win." I smiled as I said the last part.

"So what will happen if we win?" Calu again asked.

"We will become Alpha King and Queen." I said proudly. "We will rule over all packs. Eventually our children will become Alphas or Lunas of all the packs in existence. We will become immortal however our children will not be born immortal, they need to earn it. We can be hurt and heal just as fast as regular werewolves but we won't die. This only happens after the battle so don't die during it.

We will forever keep the werewolves in peace and fairness." I paused letting the news sink in. When Calu nodded I continued. "You will mimic two of my talents. You know them as powers. I can train you don't panic. It'll all be fine. Are you okay?"

"Yes butterfly. I just didn't think I'd ever be a king." Calu said shocked. I

hugged him and he kissed my forehead. "Let's tell the pack."

•{5:00 am}

When we finished telling the pack our news, I wasn't sure if they were silent because they were shocked or they were silent because it was early and they were tired.

"Thank you. Dismissed." Calu concluded. I yawned. Calu scooped me up and brought me to the kitchen.

"I love you Calu." I said boldly.

"I love you too butterfly." Calu responded without missing a beat. He smiled and his eyes were filled with love. He set me on the counter and opened the fridge getting bacon and eggs out.

I felt myself start drooling. My heart raced when Calu opened the freezer and pulled out mini breakfast sausages. Calu started to turn around so I wiped away the drool. He just shook his head.


'Calu, I'm hungry.' I whined during training. We were in our wolf form and every so often Calu ran overtop of me. Yeah. That's how big his wolf is. I'd freak out and he'd move back to beside me.

'Ashlyn. You just ate.'

'But that was three hours ago. It's eight now!'

'When we get back.' I ran faster trying to make it back to Calu's house.

Calu passed me. Oh no no no! That won't do. 'What are you doing?' Calu asked. I leaped onto his back. And pushed off his shoulders, doing barrel rolls in the air. I felt like a bullet.

Until I smacked onto the ground in a belly flop. I grunted. Calu came and nosed me onto my feet. My limbs felt like jelly. Calu and I let out a howl that signaled that training was done. Calu had to carry me back.

I made Calu take down a deer along the way because I wanted venison for dinner. We made sausages all morning.


"It's four!" I yelled to Calu across the yard. "Start the barbecue."

Most Mated pairs lived together, in homes near the pack house. More distant wolves lived near the city. Once you reach sixteen, a responsible age, you live in the pack house to increase chances of finding your Mate.

At twenty one you were free to move out either to your and your Mate's house, your own house, or at your parents house. Some chose to stay.

Mothers of the teens often alternated cooking nights in the pack kitchen. Calu's family cooked in the Alpha's kitchen, where I was now. It was exclusively for us. I liked it.

I was slicing green peppers and red peppers when Calu came in to get the meat. We were also barbecuing cowboy steaks, my favourite. Gertrude followed Calu in.

"Need help sugar?" she asked.

"Could you slice tomatoes into chunks Gertrude?" I batted my eyelashes and Gertrude laughed.

"Call me Trudy. Gertrude sounds like an old lady. And I'm not old!"

"Trudy, you do realize that Calu is sixty three, right?" I asked laughing.

"So? That's young, my youngest is five." Trudy laughed. "I'm still young! I only had Calu when I was twenty seven."

"I never doubted you were young." I smirked. "I'm just saying some of your children are old." I winked as I said that loud enough for Calu to hear.

"Hey! I am not old!" Calu yelled. "You were the one who had to be carried inside this morning!"

"I didn't live through the seventies and eighties!" I shouted back. I could hear small giggles outside the wall. I held a finger up to Trudy and whispered little ears. She nodded and launched into a story about a Christmas dinner the triplets ruined.

I crept slowly over to the door. I heard giggles whenever Trudy came to a funny part. Quickly I opened the door and sprayed the group of teenaged she-wolves with the spray hose from the sink.

"Bulls-eye!!!" I yelled while the girls squealed at the cold water.

Calu ran in and I turned around. I shot him with the cold water too. This time I held my finger on the trigger and kept shooting him with the water. Trudy was laughing so hard she snorted.

Calu marched over to the tap and shut it off, killing my water source. His shirt was soaked.

"Aw butterfly, that wasn't nice." Calu said out loud. 'Would it distract you if I did this?' he added in our bond. Calu peeledd his wet shirt over his head. I had seen him shirtless before but, wow! I felt my jaw drop slightly and I blinked, just staring at Calu.

He came over and I clearly heard the squeaks the teenaged girls made through the door. I turned and growled. Suddenly there wasn't any teenaged she-wolves at the door anymore. Trudy left too.

Calu slowly walked over to me, his muscles tightening and relaxing as he walked. Water dripped down his six-pack. He opened his arms. I leaned into his hug. I loved the feeling of his skin. I rubbed my cheek against his chest. Calu made the rumbling noise again and I shivered. He held me tight.

"It's official. I'm never letting you from my side." Calu growled. I growled and smiled.

"But the meat." I said with a pouty lip. Calu circled his arm around my waist on my t-shirt. He slipped his hand under my shirt so that his forearm was across my skin and his hand rested on my side. Calu picked me up like a football and I squealed. My face was to the ground. He adjusted me so I laid over his shoulder and more comfortable.

As Calu was barbecuing I drew hearts on his back. At one point I drew 'the blood has rushed to my head, I can't feel my feet' and Calu moved me so I had to cling to him. My legs were wrapped around him tightly as were my arms.

"Don't let me fall!" I yelled.

"Never would I ever butterfly." he answered.

When we got inside, Trudy had finished making the rest of the meal. We thanked her and ate. After we ate, we talked until my head started drooping.

After I changed into my pjs, Calu tucked me into bed. He showered and crawled in with me. We spent the night in each other's arms.

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