Chapter Twelve- Sudsy Pupsy

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Shock was the only thing that registered on Calu's face. I felt a red hot tear slip down my cheek.

"Where are the others?" I asked, my voice flat. Calu pressed his hand to his forehead. "Well? Nevermind." I rolled my eyes because I was completely ticked off.

I opened the family bond I shared with Cale and Rainer. 'Where are you?'

'Ah, well, we got to the truck as you blocked the bond with Calu and have been sitting on your tailgate since.' Cale cautiously answered me.

'Get in the flipping truck would ya.' I wasn't in the mood for partying anymore. I wanted to go home.

Doors opened and shut. Leelee sat next to me. She patted my knee and nudged me with her shoulder. Tapping my shoulder five times I gave her the signal for a girls night. She returned my signal with twirling her hair once, which was our 'okay' signal.

The truck ride home was tense.


When we got home, I changed into a old t-shirt that I tied into a crop top. Pulling on swim shorts; I grabbed a bucket, my car soap and wax. I ran out to Delilah.

It was a very warm June. I filled the bucket with the hose from outside, squirting the soap inside letting it foam. Once the bucket was full and frothy, I took the hose and started wetting the truck.

I jumped expertly onto the truck bed so I can wet the roof. As I jumped down my butt slipped along the truck's side. My whole butt was wet and there was a dry spot on the truck. I re-sprayed that spot.

I was reaching for the soapy, wet sponge when Leelee made an appearance in my mind. 'Hey! When can we talk?'

'How are you using a pack link? we aren't in the same pack anymore.'

'Aw Charcoal, you're Mated to my Alpha, remember?'

'Right. That jerk wad.'

'Oh make up would ya!'

'Fine. Meet me in my dorm when I finish with Delilah.'


'Yep, and waxing. She'll be a beaut!'

'Aww sweetheart you obsess.' Leelee giggled.

'Dang right I do! She's a beauty without the waxing even, just like me!' I sent her the image of my smooth legs. I heard her laugh and then I went back to Delilah.

I had soap running down my arms but I never cared. My shirt and bikini top that I had underneath was soaked as well as my swim shorts and bikini bottoms. Oh well.

I felt Calu come outside, however I was out of view. I crawled around the truck with the hose nozzle in my hand. I laid on my belly and waited for my prey to wander into range. I squeezed the trigger.

"Ahhhh!" Calu yelled. "What the- Ashes!"

I stood up. "Oops?" I said. I turned and started to rinse off the truck. I heard footsteps behind me. The next thing I know, the bucket of soapy water was dumped onto my head. If there was any part of me that was dry before, it was wet now.

"Okay, we're even." I said. Calu nodded and obviously trying to gross me out spit into his hand and extended it towards me. I surprised him. I spit into my own hand and shook hands with him. His eyes went wide but then Calu grinned and turned away. When he wasn't looking I wiped my hand on my shorts.

"I saw that!" Calu yelled. I groaned.

Soon I had the truck rinsed of the suds and moved on to drying it so that there was no water marks. I started at the drivers door. By the time I made it back around the door was still wet.

"What the heck?" I yelled. I dried the door off again but the front was wet.

I dried the while thing off three time until Calu admitted to re-spraying the truck. "Yeah well now you have to help me wax." I said with a smug face.

"Your legs?" Calu asked.

"No!" I yelled. "The truck!" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh ok." and we waxed.

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