Darkness 2

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My phone rang in my left pocket as I ran down the stairs. The elevator door was showing the tenth floor. Fuck,I need to hurry. My heart squeezed thinking about Chris. He must be so scared right now.
I met three of my bodyguards on the stairs. Well,they are mafia members but they were protecting me right now.

"What the fuck is going on right now? I want an explanation and bring me a tool to open the elevator doors." I shouted at them.

Arriving on the tenth floor,I screamed his name but no response. Fuck,I haven't felt so scared in my whole life.

Hang on Chris.

The useless men were trying to force it open but I pushed then away and stuck a katana in between the door and forced it open with quite some hard work but I was determined to get to him.

When the doors were forced open,I thought my heart would stop from the heart wrenching scene. He was curled up in a ball and was crying. I rushed to pick him in my arms. He was cold. His breaths were irregular. He was hyperventilating. I tried talking to him to calm him down but it was as if no word would reach him. I pressed my lips to him to calm his erratic breathing. It worked before.

It was dreadful to even think that he might go through hypothermia. I carried him to the nearest room and told my men to bring me a warm comforter. I held him tight against him.

I'm so sorry angel.

I could not protect you again.

I removed my clothes and his,trying to warm his body with mine. He was so sensitive to temperature. He snuggled closer to me.

I stayed with him until I was sure he was okay and comfortable then u sprang from the bed,ready to kill whoever was responsible for this unforgivable act .

"S-Sir..."one of the men broke the silence,"We've seen an intruder on the CCTV cameras but all the recordings have been erased and it seemed that the mains has been altered. We've put the electricity back and we have called the hacker to try to get the recordings or if we can apprehend the culprit. "

"I want the culprit caught in twenty hours!" I ordered angrily.

I'm not that of a forgiving person...

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