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Zac effron as Chris

Liam's POV:
"L-Liam?" I heard the soft voice of my baby as he closed his eyes and his body became limp.

A deep anger engulfed my  senses. I took the katana from its cover and  lunched forward. The girls ,and I mean girls not women,who were servicing those disgusting men ran away as some security guys came onto me. As their blood dripped down,it didn't help my anger but fueled my bloodlust even more as I cut the men who dared bid on my preciousness. Two of them scurried towards the door making me smirk.

My brother shot in front of them and shot them on their knees first then,their arms and finally their heads. He was such a sadist.Chris's mom jumped from the devil knows where and grabbed the lowlife called Patrick who was the one managing the biggest group for human trafficking. Sarah Salvador punched the guy and started kicking him. He removed a gun and was about to shoot but the woman snatched the gun so quick that I made a mental note to never threaten her with a gun. She directed the gun at him and without thinking shoot him in his hand. She's a dangerous woman.

I removed my blood stained coat and threw it at my right hand man,Abram as I hurried towards Chris and his brother. I didn't allow my men to touch them as I quickly untied him.

My brother,Ethan rushed towards Danny and gathered him in his arms. I picked up Chris and hurried outside of this repulsive place. Reaching outside ,I saw the scum that dared kidnap Chris. I looked at Ethan.

"I want to deal with him myself." I said and he nodded ,signalling his men and I stared as they took him away in a van.

"Liam!" I heard a woman shout my name," I'm entrusting him to you."

As the car drifted away,I glanced in the mirror and saw the whole building burst in flames and in the far,the loud and annoying sirens of the police cars.

I sighed as I caressed Chris's face,the guilt washing over my mind. I made him cry, I kissed some whore in front of him. I-I couldn't protect him from going through that hell. I swear if that scum even went as far as laying a finger on him,I'll make him regret ever living on Earth.

Chris stirred on my lap as I carried him out of the car and inside the house. Grandma rushed and gasped when he saw Chris's condition.

" Oh my God! What happened to him and you," she asked pointing to the blood on my shirt and I gave a quick explanation while she walked with me to my room after having put some water to boil and she also ran the hot water in the shower.

She may be old but she was not stupid or annoying and she didn't pester me for any further explanation but rather she helped me getting some clothes out and readying a bath for us. To say the truth,she was like a grandmother to me. One of the rare people I trusted.

I stripped my baby of his clothes and for a moment I had to close my eyes and breath to get my calm back. There were some bruises on his body and he was thinner than the last time I had seen him. I put him in the bath and grandma knocked on the door softly.

"Liam,I have called miss Janet." I thanked her for calling our doctor.

I took my time shampooing and cleaning Chris. It angered me to no end that someone else touched him and whose fault was that?


After wiping his beautiful body,I carried him to the room and placed him on the bed. I did not have clothes his size right now so I made a few calls quickly before putting one of my shirts on him.

Damn my shirt was so large on him that it was dangling till his knees. I quickly put some underwear and pants as Janet knocked on my door and entered.

Abram followed suit and talked to the doctor,handing her a small bottle they had found in Patrick's pocket.

"I see,he's been drugged. Nothing really serious but..." She trailed as I saw a slight pink on her face.

" but? " I asked.

"He'll wake up in some time and he'll feel horny. This drug is an aphrodisiac drug and the only way to soothe a person under its effect is well, um,give him what he wants." She looked at his injury under my harsh stare as she touched Chris and then she prescribed some painkillers for Chris.

" Thank you doc." I said as she was leaving and she smiled at me.

After some time after Janet and Abram left,I heard a soft noise from Chris. He squirmed on the bed and damn that was so sexy.

"Umm!Ah!" He moaned and my knees nearly gave on me from how sexy his moans were.
My cock twitched in my pants.

His beautiful,enthralling eyes opened and the lust sparkling in them unleashed my beast.
He looked up to me and moaned ,"Liam...please. "

That was my last straw as I climbed onto the bed.

That's it for now. Please comment and vote if you want a sexy chapter.

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