Chapter 8 | party time

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This chapter is going to have a change of pov so don't be confused. I'm sorry for any inconveniences.

Chris's pov:

A whole mass of people wearing designers' clothing, men wearing mostly black suits and women wearing dresses with high heels that could pierce through your body if they ever stepped on you. I, among all this lot was standing in the kitchen, trying to ignore the commotion of the mass and concentrate on cooking something for Mr.Boss.

God, how did I end here in the first place?

It happened that I was sleeping peacefully at 1pm in the afternoon when I got a very perturbing message. I would have ignored it but the continuous beeping told me it was urgent.

"You are kindly requested to reach xxx address at 5pm.
- butler of the knight mansion."

I don't wanna recall how I had to move my lazy body and reach here. Why would Liam call me here? He had five highly skilled cook who were cooking for the businessmen and women here. Why should I be disturbed to cook personally for him? Good thing the main butler was not here.

"Mr. Chris?"

I looked behind to find the smiling face of Mrs Grander.

"Yes ma'am "

"Oh, darling how many times have I told you to call me grandma or simply Nova?"

"Sorry Mrs-grandma. How can I help you?"

Mrs Nova,was a kind old woman who was in charge of Liam. She was the housekeeper/manager or the house. Let alone butler,even Liam cannot deny her. She was a very good person and she would often chat with me and help me here and there.

" Could you prepare something light for Liam. He will want something light to eat and drink before going to sleep because he dislikes those heavy food. Also, make a glass of fruit juice for him."

" OK."

She hummed a bye as she left the kitchen. Thank God the party was in the opposite house or else I would have died from crowd noise. That's why I never attend to John's parties.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound,and a light flashed before we were plunged in complete darkness...

Liam's POV:

Suddenly the lights went off and a few dramatic screams were heard around but my mind quickly diverted to my cook. Fuck I should stop calling him that but thinking about it I do not even know his name. I rushed past everyone and took my phone out. Switching the flashlight on, I rushed to the opposite house. My heart was beating hard and fast at the thought of anything happening to him. Calm down Liam, he said he had a bit of a phobia not that much would happen to him, or what I would like to say but the way he was trembling the other night even though there were lights on and I was with him. I'm so confused. Why would the famous, great businessman Liam Knight who already has his life committed to someone must be so preoccupied with a mere cook?

I opened the door,finally. Meanwhile,I guess my men had found the generator because the lights came back and I looked around like a frenzy idiot. I hurried in the kitchen and Damn did my heart squeezed in my chest at the sight of him. I think I felt like dying.

He was crawled in a small ball and I could hear the sobs from him. I didn't wait like a stupid being and instead called out softly,not wanting to scare him by just jumping forward like certain idiots.

"Hey... It's okay. The lights are back. Look here." He slowly lifted his head up and I saw the tears falling from his swollen eyes. He hiccuped and more tears fell down, like he was about to cry once more. Just like a small kid. I couldn't help myself as I closed the distance between us. Removing my coat, I gently wrapped it around him. I placed my arms around his slender body and for the first time I realised how small he was. So thin and fragile. He didn't even gasp from surprise when I picked him up bridal style seeing how scared he was.

His arms went around my neck while I coaxed him with soothing words. He continued to cry in my chest and I decided to call upon a doctor tomorrow.

I walked towards my room and managed to kick open the door. I placed the precious beauty on the soft mattress and was about to pull back when his grip tightened.

"Please...Please don't leave me...Please...I-I don't want to be alone ... Please!" he cried so desperately that I couldn't bring myself to pull back.

"Shhh...Calm down okay? Tell me what's your name?"

"Ch-hris.."he sobbed.

"So Chris,I'm gonna go bring a shirt. I'll be right back. Okay?"I said in a low voice

"No ..." Why do I feel like he's the cutest being on earth? No Liam you can't think that way.

"I'll be right here. Please?" Gosh now, Liam is saying please to someone. Mom, you wanted me to be humble and polite, right?

He loosened his grip and I went to my closer to remove a shirt. Sure it would large on him but it would be better than the messy wet clothes he had on. There was a pan of water down the wet floor of the kitchen. Maybe that fell on him.
Gosh he looks so vulnerable right now. Makes me wan- oops stop right here Liam!

He looked at me with those puffed eyes and short breaths. It was as if all the strength had left his body as I pull his shirt and took a towel to dry him. His dishevelled hairs dropped till his eyes and that only caused those rosy cheeks. His body was still spasming in fear and he wouldn't let his grip loose.

I tried to push him back but he gave me one of those looks that could melt away one's stone heart,then,he looked away quickly when my eyes met his. If he wasn't scared, I would have said that he's shy.

God, the next thing I did was maybe the stupidest thing I had done in my life but fuck, it felt so good. My lips met his quivering one and I couldn't help but groan at the sweetness. He was too weak to even resist and when I gave a small tug with my teeth on his lower lips,he mewled. Gosh, that was the cutest sound ever!

I ventured even farther as I pushed him down and hovered over him. His fingers made my skin ablaze when they touched my neck. I slowly devoured his mouth like it was the best yet worst addiction when realisation struck me and I pulled back.

"Sleep..." I whispered softly in his ears and he closed his eyes in calm submission.

I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around him and fell asleep even though I knew it was wrong. I was doing wrong with someone I'm supposed to be dedicated to and I can't even resist this immoral temptation. You're such a bad human Liam. You have failed as a...

Hello guys! Sorry for late update. I hope u like it and plz vote and comment.

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