•71• Chapter

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I knocked on the door harshly. JangMi came to view. "Lettie?"

"What the hell?" I threw my arms in the air violently that made her eyes shoot wide open in surprise.

"I was just heading to go to the hospital." She said taken aback. Was she seriously thinking I was mad about her not showing up in the hospital earlier!

"I can't believe you." I yelled at JangMi, still ashamed of her disgusting act. "I want that phone now!"

I could tell she understood what I meant."I'm sorry Lettie. I didn't mean to hurt you." She said taking my hand in hers. "It was never my intention. I don't know what got over me."

"I told you I'd tell you what was going on later." I harshly pulled my hand from her. "I can't believe you."

I shot her a dirty look that she replied with a sad one that almost fooled me into believing she was sorry for what she did, even a little but like I said, almost.

"I just want to ask you one thing." I said and she nodded her head violently.


"Why did you do that?" I asked softer than I intended to. She looked away, I got my answer. I looked away, ready to leave the front porch of JangMi's house.

I walked away almost in tears. The friend who helped me when I was getting bullied. The friend who helped me with my studies whenever I had problems. The friend who acted like my mother when i was acting like a baby.

The friend who was a friend.

"I was jealous." I heard her speak from behind. I took a second and turned to look at the jet black haired girl.


"I was jealous of you." She said a wave of  angrily of anger boiling inside her in a matter of seconds. "Everyone loves you. You were always so cheerful, kind and witty. The perfect amount of everything. When we moved here, you became friends with everyone while I was just SeonMi's friend."

"W-What?" I was taken aback. Where was all this coming from? She pointed a finger on my left shoulder with her right finger and pushed me back.

"I texted Jungkook for the date. I even asked you and you said you were ok. You have no right to change that now." She said pushing me nonstop. I didn't know why but I felt weak now that she could even push me back with a finger. "He asked if you could come. Even him. I'm sorry if this time, I wanted someone to like me.

"Friends I hung out with back in London always picked you over me. I was always the last choice from our group. All the time when we had a group project, even if you were sick, the friends I had would write your name in their group. You were sick for goodness! I was always left behind saying 'It's okay, we can group together next time.'" She continued until we crossed the empty road and went into a park right in front of her house. Why was I getting pushed when she was wrong?

"I don't understand." I whispered to myself even though the puzzles were slowly clicking. Even when I was sick,  I had always had my name written with the group of friends JangMi and I shared.
Who I...stole?

"I was sick of it. Yes, I was jealous. You are pretty, talented, smart. You are just freakin' perfect-" She said through greeted teeth. This time I pushed her. Enough with pushing me now.

"You know what's sick?" I said not even as a question. "I was happily texting my old friend, yes Jungkook was my old friend since we were kids and I just wanted to play a trick on him. My friend, oh sorry, my ex friend tried to tell him that she was the girl who texted him. That's sick! You made me want to hide the truth. I thought the stupid game was over and he didn't care about me. JangMi, I liked him since we were kids not by looking at his face like you did. You don't know a thing about him so don't pretend you like him just to get to me!" I yelled the last part.

JangMi fell to her knees after my small push. She covered her face with her hand. I ran to her. I couldn't hear this any longer. I felt bad now, but I felt better at the same time. I always felt better after ranting but now I felt more bad than good. "Please get up."

"You just wanna take pity like the rest." She said not stoping her crying fit. I sighed softly and lend out a hand.

"I don't. Jess just stand up." I said trying to pull her up. Inside, I knew I wanted to forgive her but I wanted to hear her say she wouldn't do it again first.

We sat on the bench at the side."Just tell me everything." I said and dug my hand in my pocket in hope of finding a pack of tissues. Thankfully I carried some and gave her one.

She took it and dried her tears with it. "Thanks."

"No problem." I said but a small grudge was still in my heart. "I'm still mad about everything but I seriously had no clue about this feelings you had."

"How would you? You were too busy with those boys." She snickered and whipped her almost red nose.

"Don't make me feel like this is all my fault." I said as a matter-of-factly. She was making me feel bad now.

"Im really really sorry. You were right, I never truly liked liked Jungkook. Maybe, it was just to get to you." She mumbled the last part so softly, it was audible but I heard it.

I paused. Was she being sincere now? "I'm sorry too. I should've thought about my friend. I didn't know I'd stole our friends from you."

She looked up from the small piece of tissue. "Not ex?" She asked a little hope in her voice that would make me hate myself if crushed it.

I took a minute. Was I seriously going to forgive her this easily? What she did was horrible but could I really forgive the girl?

I shook my head. "My friend."

Without losing a second, JangMi jumped to hug me, crying on my shoulder. I hugged her back.

"I promise to not do this ever again. I'm sorry SeonMi, I'm sorry I got jealous about it. You've always been a good friend, my ego just got the best of me." She cried on my shoulder further.

"No boogers." I squealed playfully and she laughed. It was nice to get my friend back.

I hoped she had returned.

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