•53• Chapter

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"Wear the life jacket first." Jungkook said giving me a life jacket. I hurried up and put it on and he did as well.

"Call someone." I panicked after getting tired of shouting for help. How was no one on the deck where we were? Was there a all-you-can eat buffet that I didn't know about?

"No signal." Jungkook grunted in annoyance at his phone. He even tried to throw it once but I stopped him. He was so moody that I felt like he was on his period sometimes and he was pmsing.

"What do we do?" I cried and looked at the Royal themed ship. The bright lighted ship was moving faster while our boat was stuck. "We should try to pedal."

Jungkook took the pedals of the boat and started to row. "This is useless. We should find land first." He said after 5 minutes of pedalling.

As much I wanted to tell him to pedal faster, he was right. It was useless.

"Ok so, how the hell are we going to find land when we're in the middle of no where." I said and spotted a box. It had some first aid kits, food packets. "Hey, check this."

Jungkook put the pedals on the side and came to look at the box. "This is really great."

"I'm sure they're looking for us." I said taking a seaweed food packet, a bit less panicked now. "Its seaweed."

"We better find land soon." He said as he took the pedalling job again. I stayed quiet, looking at the emergency kits and looking for something that could help us get the people on the ship's attention.

"You know, this is kinda like a date." He said breaking the silence.

What the hell? A date, with Jungkook?! Idiot, he meant it was just like it, not that it was. My subconscious snapped at me.

"W-What?" I said looking at him as we rowed the boat backwards in hope to find a small land if possible.

There was no way we could reach the ship, it was better to find land at that point.

His hair was blowing by the wind that had less force than before. His eyes lit up by the moonlight as the water had the moon's reflection and it did look like a date.

Almost a perfect one, it would be perfect if we weren't stuck in the middle of no where while our friends and teachers were back on the ship probably not even noticing that we were gone.

"You don't think so?" He asked, looking straight at me, our eyes locked. I didn't say anything and hoped it was dark so he couldn't see even a bit of my flushed cheeks. "This is not easy."

"What isn't easy?"

"Pedalling. It's like a workout." He said taking a quick break to stretch his muscles. I gawked at his muscular biceps but quickly looked away so he wouldn't notice my stare. "Don't worry, I don't mind you staring at my mus-." He said chuckling.

"I-I wasn't l-looking at you." I said quickly cutting him. I closed my eyes, mentally slapping myself for even looking at him in the first place and gave myself another one just for getting caught.

I opened my eyes. "D-Do you want me to pedal the boat?" I asked nervously, not daring to stare at him.

"No, it's fine but do you mind giving me my jacket?" He asked and I looked at him, leading out his hand for the jacket.

He must be cold.

I took it off and handed him his jacket. I won't lie, I didn't want to give it back to him.

He used two stick that was lying on the floor and tied it in a cross next to the edge of the boat. He really looked like he knew what he was doing.

He didn't wear his jacket but hung it up. "What are you doing?" I didn't want to disturb him but curiously got the best of me.

"I'm making a sailcloth. It will make it easier for us to sail. I think land is north and they'll most likely look north when they find out we're not on board." He said trying his thankfully, big and oversized jacket up, tightly.

"How do you know what to do?"

"I learned this when I was a Boy Scout in my primary school."

"That's cool." I said amazed at his smart thinking. "Do you have to paddle now?" I asked.

He shook his head and laid on the seat using a life jacket as a pillow. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow we can try to write help on the sand or we'll just think of something tomorrow." He said.

I can't sleep with Jungkook. Not that kind of sleep and also this one too. This will be weird but I can't go anywhere, I'm on a boat in the middle of no where for god sake.

I nodded with no choice, laying my head on the boat and put my head on the boat using a spare life jacket as a pillow.

I rubbed my arms up and down, trying to find some sleep. "I can't really give you my shirt." He said looking at my cold form.

"How are you not cold?" I asked in disbelief. He looked like he was just causally laying on the boat in summer. "It's less cold now but it's still freezing cold."

"I am cold."

"You don't look cold." I said as I rub my arms faster in order to get warmth faster. "How is it that I feel like I'm going to die whenever I'm with you near water. The shark thing and now this."

Jungkook chuckled. "I don't know, the water must hate us both."

"Maybe." I said.

"Goodnight SeonMi." He said closing his eyes.

"Good night kookie." I said, zipping my mouth shut. I never called him kookie before, but Essa did. "Your username is kookie so..." I said with a nervous laugh if he found it suspicious or something.

He didn't seem to mind because he was fast asleep. I sighed a relief. Good he didn't hear me.

I turned around, my back facing him now. I felt the air blow the strongest and I shivered until an arm wrapped around my waist and a head behind my neck.

I looked back to find Jungkook with his head behind my neck.

As far as I knew Jungkook, he was a deep sleeper and a fast one as well now so he probably didn't know what he was doing in his sleep.

"What at you doing?" I ask softly even though I knew very well that he couldn't hear me. I liked him back hugging me as we slept.

"Is it better?" I heard him mumble sleepily in my hair, as his grip on my waist tightened.

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