•35• Chapter

92 6 0

SeonMi's POV

I went to school earlier than usual. My Sunday was spent making cupcakes for my halmeoni's bakery.

I made chocolate ones, strawberry ones, red velvet ones and so much more that I forgot. I felt so happy to spend the day with my halmeoni.

Luckily, no one was in class. I opened the zipper of my bag and took out a plain white coloured paper bag where I had put one chocolate cupcake and red velvet cupcake in.

I held the bag carefully so the cupcakes wouldn't get smudged. I put it in Jungkook's desk and returned back to my desk.

I hoped he would enjoy it. I couldn't get my other friends cupcakes because if I did, Jungkook would be suspicious about me.

He did say he was hungry for cupcakes yesterday to Essa not me. I wanted to do this for him, he looked really tensed and annoyed lately.

I took out my phone and texted my eomma that I got to school. She told me I should have stayed longer but I shrugged.

I turned my phone off and put it in my bag. I went out of my seat and went to my locker get the books I needed for today.

I still had a long time so I decided to look around the school for a while.

No one was in the hallway, it was so weird and scary. I should have stayed in the classroom.

I decided to go around bravely, besides it was morning. No zombies would be popping out any time soon.

While walking on the top floor which was the sixth floor, a wooden door caught my eye.

It was a bit old and cracked but it didn't look so scary at all. The door was open just a little so I decided to peek my head in.

I looked around the room, it was but dusty and old looking. There were some spider webs but they were hardly visible.

There were many books and small cardboard boxes along with a blackboard.

There was a voice more like sobs so I decided to follow the sound until I saw a person with brown hair and a white uniform.

What is Jungkook doing here and...

why is he crying?

The wooden floor made a creaking noise because of my foot and Jungkook jerked his head up when he heard the sound.

His eyes were wide open and his hand was on his chest. His cheeks were damped with dried tears.

"W-What a-are you...doing here?" He said between sobs as he whipped his face with the back of his hand.

I seated myself next to him on the floor. "Are you ok?" I asked running my hand up and down his tensed back.

"I-I'm sorry. I..." He lifted his body up to stand but couldn't. I held his shoulder so he wouldn't try to stand up again.

"Just stay here, Jungkook." I said and stood up. "Do you need water?" I asked and he nodded.

I went out of the room quickly and looked for the water dispenser.

After I found it, I took a small paper cup from the top of the dispenser and filled it with water.

I returned back to the old room with the paper cup in my hand.

Jungkook still looked tensed as before but he seemed to have stopped sobbing. There were still dry tear stains on his cheeks though.

I handed him the paper cup and he immediately gulped the small amount of water.

"Do you need more?" I asked and took the paper cup from him. He shook his head. "Good, I'm too tired to go." I said.

"Thanks." He said and cleared his throat. He tried to stand up from the floor but I stopped him.

"Just stay here for a while." I said. "It's still pretty early." He nodded and stayed next to me.

We both were quiet but the air wasn't tense at all, it was weirdly comfortable.

"Why were you here?" He asked breaking the silence atmosphere.

"I came early today and I was just roaming and..." I trailed off. I didn't know if I should ask him why he was crying or not.

"You saw me crying." He finished for me. "It's fine, my panic attack is over."

"Are you feeling ok now?" I asked and he nodded."Why were you here in the first place? This is not a good place to be when you have a panic attack."

"I was going out like you and I didn't want anyone to see me having a panic attack." He said. "It's been quite a while since I had one and it hurts so bad."

I didn't know what to say so I stood up. "Let's get you washed up." I said and took my hand out for him to take. He took it and stood up.

We walked to the nearest boys bathroom, both of us not realising that we were still holding hands.

We removed our hands awkwardly and he went inside the bathroom. Jungkook came out in five minutes and we both went to our classroom together.

"SeonMi?" He said when we entered the classroom with just a few of our classmates including Jimim and Yoongi.

I hummed a yes. "Please don't tell my hyungs about my panic attack. I don't want them to worry." He said.

"I get it. I won't tell them." I smiled and held out my pinkie for him to lock. He stared at me weirdly but locked his pinkie with mine.

I guessed Hopi was rubbing off on me but I wasn't complaining.

He went to his seat while I went to mine. "Jungkook, who gave you these?" Yoongi said taking the bag of cupcakes in his hand.

"I think I know who but I'm not sure." Jungkook said taking the bag from Yoongi.

I looked at them because they were hella loud plus they were just two desk away from me. "I want one." Jimin said doing a little aegyo.

"No, they're mine hyung." Jungkook said shaking his head like a kid.

Jimin begged again doing a yet again cute aegyo.

"Just one." Jungkook took out the red velvet one and gave it to Yoongi and Jimin.

Jungkook suddenly turned to me and gave me a small smile?

I didn't realise that he had not smiled for so long. I smiled back.


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