•59• Chapter

85 5 1

SeonMi's POV

"Eomma, can I go play now?" I asked my mom, begging with my big fluttering eyes. She rolled her eyes playfully before letting me go play.

"Don't go anywhere far, alright?" My mom warned me but I was already far in the sand pit. I dug my hands in the sand and looked at the corner of the pit to find a small blue shovel toy.

I reached for it but it was quickly taken away with a small pair of hands just like mine. I looked up frowning at the rude person who took it. "It's mine." He said clenching the shovel closer to his chest.

"But I saw it." I pouted sadly as I was just 3 at the time. What could I have done?

"It's mine, you can't have it."

"Can't we play together?" I asked moving my annoying but cute small brown pigtails behind my shoulders.

"No!" The obnoxious brown haired boy spat and threw sand at me before hurrying off to who knows where.

I wanted to cry at the rudeness of the boy but I just inhaled sharply without saying a word. I swayed the sand off my jacket and dress but stopped immediately after I saw a red shovel just like the one that the idiot had in front of me.

There was also a pair of hands holding it so I looked up just a bit to find a boy who looked much kinder than that rude boy from earlier.

"We can play together." He said smiling with his eyes. He handed me the shovel as my frown immediately turned upside down into a smile.

I took the shovel and started to dig the sand. The kind boy put a bucket full of other kinds of tools to play with.

"What's you name?" He asked me as I made a heart on the sand with the back of the shovel.

"Mimi." I answered taking a sand castle mould and  filling it with the sand. "What's yours?"

"Jungkook." He said patting on the castle mould filled with wet sand three times before taking it off to reveal a sand castle with the top part destroyed.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "How about yours?" He pointed to the mould I was holding with his cute little lips which was pouting so adorably.

I flipped it upside down and gave it a few tap, five times to be exact as my small brain thought I'd be luckier than Jungkook if I tapped it five times. I uncovered the mould to see a much worse sand castle and Jungkook started to laugh as well.

"Again." I said crossing my hands over my chest. We had two more rounds- I won the first round and he won the second.

Our little brains got sick of the sand so we decided to play the swings instead. "Do you know who that boy was?" I asked swinging the swing higher on my own or trying to at least.

"Which boy?" He asked.

"The mean one." I replied almost shouting so he could hear me.

"Oh, his name is Jingi. He's from my school." Jungkook said swinging me higher. "He's friends with everyone but I don't have any friends."

"I'll be your friend." I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see me as he was at the back giving me a push since I couldn't push myself.

"Really?" He asked to insure  and I yelled a "Yeah." We went on the slide and played like we weren't just kids who met about half an hour ago but since we were in our mother's womb.

"MiMi, it's time to go." My eomma called as I chased Jungkook around the playground. "You can't be late for school tomorrow!"

"Jungkook stop...running so...fast." I panted still trying my best to catch up with my new friend. He stopped without informing me and I bumped into him. I thought he would get angry but instead he broke into laughter. "Sorry."

"It's ok." He chimed. "Let's meet tomorrow?"

"Ok." I nodded but little did we know tomorrow we'd meet in the morning at the same kindergarten.

He smiled at me at class like a big brother. (#brotherzoned srry, I had to.) We almost spent every day together like best friends and when we didn't, it was for our different cuticular activities.

I didn't know when but this best friend or brother and sister love turned into something else. Something I couldn't stop.

~ 7 years later ~

"I don't want to go to school." I groaned in annoyance and put my
earphones on.

"We need education, dearest." Jungkook teased and took my right earphone off of my ear and placed it in his. "This is why I'm friends with you, you have good taste in music."

"Just that?" I raised my eyebrow. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Yah!" I shoved his hand away with the back of my hand.

"You're also cute." The 11 year old said, leaning on his seat we were sharing. I felt a burn on my cheek but I acted like what he said had no affect on me even if it was the opposite.

In just matter of minutes, we were off the bus and into our classroom with our other fifth grade classmates. I sat myself on my usual seat as did Jungkook- next to me.

"Aigoo, if it isn't the love birds." Hani chimed, nudging my arm playfully. I nudged her back, hiding the redness on my cheeks that her words caused.

"I swear you guys will be like Romeo and Juliet." Hansol said but he forgot the part when Romeo and Juliet die.

"They die at the end doofus." Hani hit the back of her twin brother's head in annoyance. I chuckled at the two 11 year old brother and sister bickering.

"We're best friends." Jungkook said putting an arm around my shoulder. I looked up to find his eyes. "You and me, MiMi."

"You and me, Kook." I smiled with my eyes but soon enough his arm was far from mine.

Hani and Hanson were gone, it was pitch black. The classroom was gone and so were the rest of the kids.

"Goodbye." Jungkook said as he was being dragged away until I could only see him fade away into a small dot until nothing. Nothing at all but, black.

Pitch black.


"Jungkook!" I jolted right off my bed, sweat covering my forehead. I turned right to find that JangMi's bed was empty. She must've left early or something.

I figured that I passed out from crying last night which I hid from JangMi when she returned late doing who knows what.

I couldn't show her that I was sad because, well, she seemed happy. I couldn't do that to her.

She was my friend after all.

Miss me? ≪Jeon Jungkook≫ BTS [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora