161:Teddy Imagine for @EnderSnakeCat2

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For EnderSnakeCat2

"Train dodge, dig it," Teddy mumbled.

You saw the crazy look in his eyes. "Hey, Teddy, get off the tracks." You spoke cautiously, knowing how he could be.

"I'm gonna dodge it," he insisted.

You looked over at Chris, who, along with the other guys, was looking at Teddy with concern.

"Come on, Teddy, man. Get of the tracks!" Chris hollered, the train coming closer by the second.

Teddy didn't even react. Instead, he pretended his bed roll was a machine gun and aimed it at the approaching train.

"Teddy! Get off the tracks!"

"You wanna get yourself killed?"

You all yelled at him before Chris finally ran and yanked him off the tracks himself. This led to an altercation between the two.

"You wanna kill yourself, goddammit? You coulda got yourself killed!" Chris scolded.

Teddy glared at him. "I could've dodged it."

You had had enough. "And what if you hadn't, Teddy? What then?"

He looked at you in disbelief. "What?"

"You heard me," you replied angrily. "What if you hadn't dodged it? Then what should we have done? Waited for the train to roll by so we could scrape you off the damn tracks?"

"Emma, I could've dodged it," he mumbled.

"Stop saying that! You almost died! Do you think I could live with myself if I watched you die? Do you think any of us could?" You were so beyond angry, you hardly noticed when Gordie put his hand on your shoulder.

"Emma," Chris interjected calmly, trying to get between you and Teddy.

"What, Chris?" Your emotions were too high.

He put a hand on both your and Teddy's shoulders, keeping you apart. "Teddy's still alive. I know we all got scared, but he's still here, and I think he understands that he shouldn't have risked his life so stupidly." He turned to Teddy, not so nicely. "Right? And Teddy, I think we all know that Emma would be very upset if you got hurt, so I think we should all just make sure the air is clear before we go anywhere else."

You took a couple deep breaths to steady yourself. You were suddenly aware that there were tears on your cheeks, and your fists were clenched. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Teddy."

Teddy, with tears on his own face, put out his hand. "I am too, Emma. I shouldn't have done that."

You shook his hand and pulled him into a hug, holding him close. "You're crazy."

He laughed. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Let's go then?" Vern spoke up.

You smiled, letting go of Teddy and throwing an arm around Vern's shoulders. "Yeah, Verno. Let's go."

I really hope you liked it! Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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