103:Chris Imagine for @fabuloschic

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For drama__llamas

You watched as Chris and Teddy played cards. You and Gordie had been playing, but you both got out. You grew a little tired of watching the two going back and forth, despite the jokes and banter, so you sat on the floor of the tree house and lie your head down on Chris's lap.

Teddy and Gordie gave each other a look that you and Chris ignored. Everyone knew you were sweet on each other, but neither of you had ever made anything of it, so it was just an unspoken that you two were each other's.

You were fine, lying there, until Chris decided to start poking you in the side. You squirmed.

"Mmph," you huffed, pouting up at him.

He just smiled and picked up another card. A couple seconds later, he poked you again, making you wiggle more.

"Quit tickling me," you whined, sitting up.

"Quit tickling me!" Teddy teased in a high-pitched voice. This earned a laugh from not only himself but also from Gordie and even Chris.

You glared at them all. "You guys are all jerks. I don't even know why I hang out with you all." You crossed your arms over your chested.

"Oh, I thought it was because you love Chris," Gordie replied, like it was known fact, but a mischievous undertone was clearly there. He leaned back and read his mystery magazine, leaving you debating whether to strangle him or shrink back in embarrassment.

Chris, himself, was redder than a tomato.

Knock knock knock.

You all looked around, not recognizing the pattern.

"Who is it?"

"It's me! Now let me in," the muffled voice came.

All four of you looked at each other before deadpanning, practically in unison, "Vern."

Who knew that in the minutes that followed, all of you would decide to set out for the adventure of a lifetime.

I'm sorry it's so short and it's so bad, but I felt bad for making you wait so long for your imagine. Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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