42: Teddy Imagine for @Haley_girl_yah

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For Haley_girl_yah

You groaned and grabbed a comic from the stack to fan yourself. You and the boys were hanging out in the treehouse, and it was like the devil's armpit outside.

"It's so hooot!" Vern complained.

Just then, Chris jumped up. "Hey, I know! We should all go swim at the public pool."

You all agreed to meet up at the pool after you each ran home to get on your swimsuits.

You slipped on your bathing suit and pulled your shorts and t-shirt back over it. You grabbed a towel and ran out again, yelling to your mom where you'd be.

"Haley, be home before dark!" she called after you.

You met Teddy on the walk to the pool. He lived down the block from you, so it wasn't too odd.

"Haley, do you ever think it's weird you hang out with a bunch of guys?" he asked, randomly.

You pursed your lips in thought for a second or two. "Nah. I don't really ever think about it much."

He just nodded, an you two continued on your way to the pool.

Gordie, Chris, and Vern were already there.

"There you guys are!" Chris exclaimed. "We were trying to be nice and wait, but we about gave up on you two candyass, slow pokes."

You and Teddy exchanged unamused looks.

"Let's just go swim now. I'm sweating my ass off," Gordie put in.

You all walked around the pool, which was currently very full, not that anyone cared. It was scorching.

The boys started taking their shirts off, and you did too. You noticed Teddy glance at you a couple times while you took your shirt and shorts off.

One by one, you all hopped into the pool, earning disapproving looks from the lifeguard.

You all swam around for a long time, weaving between the other people in the pool.

"Hey, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back," you said. You swam to the edge of the pool and pulled yourself out.

When you came back, you noticed Teddy sitting on his towel by where you guys had left your stuff. He looked upset.

You looked to the other boys in the pool, catching Vern's eye. He just shrugged at your questioning looks regarding Teddy.

You nodded and walked over to Teddy. You set out your towel and sat down. "Teddy, what's wrong?"

He shook his head. "What do you mean? Nothing." He gave you a fake smile.

"No. Teddy, please tell me," you pleaded. "I don't like when you're upset."

He looked up at you. "It's just that, I don't know if you've ever noticed, but I like you a lot, and when you got out of the pool, some guy said how hot you looked, and I just got so mad."

You were surprised. "I didn't know you liked me, but why were you mad?"

"Haley, when a boy likes a girl, he gets territorial. It's like when- it's like- well, I don't really know what it's like, dammit, but I just really like you, okay?" His voice became more an more frustrated as he spoke.

You rubbed his back while sat there with his face in his hands. When he finally looked back up at you, you leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Teddy, I like you too."

This time he looked surprised. "What? Really?" He was now squinting at you because he didn't have his glasses on. "You aren't just messing with me?"

You rolled your eyes. "I swear to you that I'm not messing around. I honest to goodness like you, Teddy."

You two sat in an awkward silence before Teddy got up.

"It's hot. I'm gonna get back in," he announced to you. "Come on." He held his hand down to you, which you grabbed and pulled yourself up.

You two swam around with the others like the whole scene hadn't really happened. You both knew it happened, and you didn't deny it happened, but it wasn't in the forefront of your minds just then. That would come some other time, when you both could talk about it, maybe when it wasn't so hot.

I really hope you like it! I didn't realize how long it was until a little while ago. M'kay.


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