57: First Make Out Session Preference

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Suggested by miamartinaz

Chris: The first time you and Chris made out, it was pretty embarrassing. You two had been in his room, and right as you things were getting heated, one of Chris's younger siblings came in the room announcing that their mom wanted Chris.

Gordie: You two had been studying together, and he kept staring at you, lancing down at your lips. Eventually, as you were about to ask another question, he smashed his lips onto yours. When he bean to break the kiss, you pulled him right back on you.

Vern: You two had been dancing and by the second song, you dragged him off the dance floor, your lips already making their way to his.

Teddy: You two had been out swimming all day, and Teddy just couldn't help himself any longer. He pulled you into the boys bathroom and had his lips on yours almost immediately.

Ace: You two met at a party, and you were both instantly all over each other. He took you to a secluded part of the house before quickly attaching his lips to yours and running his hands up and down your back.

Eyeball: You two had been dating for a while and had shared a few kisses, but it wasn't until one day, you two were on a date that you two made out for the first time. He was driving, and let's say, he pulled over pretty quick.

Billy: You were at the movies, in the back because that's just how you all roll. The movie had barely started before you two were connected at the lips.

Charlie: You two skipped class and met up in the janitor's closet where you two kind of made yourselves at home, if ya know what I mean. Cliche, but cliches had to come from somewhere, right?

It was kinda hard to think of different things, and they're pretty crappy, but yeah. I hope this is what you had in mind. Thanks for requesting! M'kay.


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